News Liste Wildermyth

1.14 Elona Rib
07.07.23 16:05 Community Announcements

Wildermyth is now playable in French!

At last! French speakers are now able to play Wildermyth in their native tongue. So much hard work and heart has gone into this translation; thank you to our French translation team, Riotloc, and all its members: Alexander Bolotin, Anaïs Gerber, Eric Holweck, Guillaume Pelletier, Jonathan Pierre, Kévin Bernier, Marc Eybert-Guillon, Nadège Gayon-Debonnet, Pierre Quelquejeu, Stéphane Tranquille, Violaine Sauze, and Ophélie Colin.

And thank you for all the French players who have been patiently waiting!

(Russian translation is currently going through another round of QA and making some more fixes.)

Other Updates

We've rewritten two events, Pastoral Quarrel (from: Sweeping Swallow) and When We Fight, added a new hairstyle, and made some changes to miscellaneous combat and monster features. And, of course, squashed a bunch of bugs.

Wildermyth turned 2 Years Old!

To celebrate our two year anniversary, we're hosting a Fan Art Contest on our Discord, Twitter, and Instagram. The winners will receive a DLC key and their choice of a piece of Wildermyth merch! Entries close July 15th at 11:59 pm CST.

Developer Q&A

In case you missed it, we had a Q&A session on Twitch back in May, to answer questions about the Armors and Skins DLC and the game in general. You can watch it on YouTube here:

DLC Updates

Also, if you've been following our socials or Discord, you've probably noticed a couple sneak peeks at what we have in the works for our second DLC. We don't have anything to say about the DLC quite yet, but here are some of those images!

1.14+486 Elona Rib

  • Added official support for French!
  • Rewritten Event: Pastoral Quarrel (from: Sweeping Swallow)
  • Rewritten Event: When We Fight
  • Two New Tidings
  • Shardnado now deals less damage but has a larger radius
  • Humanist+ increases the radius Shardnado has always felt too similar to fireleash, and we wanted to differentiate it more. Now, it can easily hit many enemies at once, and creates a nice AOE to chip away at them over the next turn
  • Skeleton Inscrutable Stare now works on Morthagi
  • The restriction felt kind of appropriate thematically, but ultimately removed an important part of skeletal heroes' kit in a way that wasn't fun
  • Ambush with Throughshot can now be placed behind enemies
  • New hairstyle
  • Enemy healthbars now show calamity icons for calamity buffs
  • Not being able to easily tell which enemies had calamity damage buffs without viewing their tooltips could cause some unexpected hard hits. This should make it easier to tell when that roe can one-shot your mystic
  • Adjusted tile feedback for many AOE abilities (ranges have more
  • of a "border", instead of highlighting each tile the same) Fireleash tile feedback shown here, old vs new
  • Added new image for "Add to Legacy" dialog
  • Dart and Sommelier damage calamities now show up later
  • New interface option (off by default):
  • "Show Simple Gear Stat Changes in Empty Slot Buttons" (to see simple stat changes without hovering all the slots) For simple augments that only require one line to show the stat change, some players found it annoying needing to hover each slot to see the stat changes. This option makes it so that as long as the slot is empty, you don't have to! It's off by default, just because we're worried about the inconsistency of it only showing up in empty slots for items that grant one stat being confusing, especially for new players.
  • Updated libGDX from version 1.9.11 to 1.11.0 (This may fix or
  • improve some general graphics issues, hard to say for sure)
  • Foothill Stonewalling no longer prevented by several abilities
  • Adjusted hero Customize tab to work much better with controllers
  • DLC: Added "Draconic" Teeny Wings transformation skin
  • Fix a bug where Rager could attack while stunned
  • Fix a bug where Ember Arrows + Throughshot showed wrong damage
  • Fix a bug with using Blazing Sword without LOS
  • Fix a bug where certain AOE attacks and tile effects caused lag
  • Fix a bug where "Mysterious" hook could be put on hero children
  • Fix a bug where Drauven using Sneer could jump onto hidden heroes
  • Fix a bug where Skeleton Curse didn't properly last 2 turns
  • Fix a bug where Quakebaker hammer damage was higher than intended
  • Fix a bug with some incorrect genders in history lines
  • Fix a DLC bug where some armor bonuses would show in comics
  • Fix a DLC bug where Fashioned for the Fray went away if next
  • to hidden ally
  • Fix a DLC bug where Valiant Bracing wouldn't work with Paladin+
  • Fix a DLC bug where NPC mystics could become hidden
  • Fix a DLC bug where Feral Memory could stack
  • Fix DLC Saurian crow skin toes
  • Tools: Added "Connections" panel to Effect and Aspects editors
  • (shares space with the "Raw" panel) Used to switch between related Effects and Aspects. Also shows Injected Roles from branch events, etc, and error messages take this into account Made this after getting tired of constantly swapping between the aspects and effects tabs for abilities or quest chains with many separate parts. Hoping modders will find it useful!
  • Tools: Added "Refresh" button at the top-right, which refreshes
  • mods and connections. (If you've been restarting the game or switching mods on/off after making changes, try this instead!)
  • Tools: Can spawn "custom" hazards (see humanistRecipe_shardnado)
  • Tools: Tile targeting now respects "allowDuplicates"
Logo for Wildermyth
Release:13.11.2019 Genre: Strategie-Rollenspiel Entwickler: Worldwalker Games LLC Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
Einzelspieler Mehrspieler Koop

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