News Liste Wildermyth

1.9 Eve Vallenlong + Gorgon Plushie Release
26.08.22 16:23 Community Announcements
Hail, adventurers! We have an update for you all that makes some big changes to attack synergies.

Previously, arm transformations would make certain abilities useless, which always felt a little bad. So this patch, we've made it so that ranged and melee theme attacks can often be used with certain abilities regardless of their melee/ranged status. We're hoping this allows for some more interesting build variety. (Quellingmoss + Cone of Fire? Sentinel + Chain Lightning?) More specifically: Most Ranged and Melee theme attacks will now work with Guardian, Sentinel, Broadswipes, Riposte, Ember Arrows, Piercing Shots, Quellingmoss, Archery, and Ambush.

For you controller and Steam Deck users out there, we made a ton of quality of life adjustments to bindings and UI, so controls should work better and smaller resolutions (like playing on the Steam Deck with the "bigger" UI option selected) should be laid out more nicely on many screens; you can check out the details in the patch notes below.

To better indicate some commonly overlooked UI, scouting and bridge/pass building options are much more clear on the overland, and we added sparkles to ability buttons for some non-turn-ending attacks (battledance attacks, swift action wolf bite, prepared shot, etc). Fire smoke particles have been greatly reduced when there's a bunch (no more blinding you while playing, yay!), and we created new VFX for star, vine, storm, fire, crow, hill, morthagi, skeletal, and tree theme skins. Plus, some abilities have new sound effects for some extra punch!

Preorder Wildermyth's Jumbo Gorgon Plushie!

We've partnered with Makeship again for another limited edition plushie release.

They'll only be made if the campaign is 100% funded, so be sure to order and share so this huggable monster can get home to you! The Gorgon will be available to order from August 25 to September 16.

Order one here!

1.9+438 Eve Vallenlong

Theme attacks now work with more abilities:
* Ranged attacks work with Guardian, Sentinel,
Broadswipes, and Riposte
* Melee attacks work with Ember Arrows,
Piercing Shots, Quellingmoss, Archery, and Ambush.
Cone of fire and thorn lash now get +2 damage from upgrade
(instead of damage scaling)
Ember Arrows now grants theme attacks a flat +1 damage
(instead of + potency damage)
Protector ability now works with ranged theme attacks
Crossbow damage increased by 1, accuracy buff removed
Spelltouched stats adjusted:
New: +2 Potency, -1 Bonus Damage, +10 Recovery Rate
Old: +2 Potency, -0.5 Bonus Damage, +5 Recovery Rate,
+10 Retirement Age
Spiritblade attacks trigger actual hero attacks
(and uses those heroes' passives: thornfang, broadswipes, etc)
Battledance Whirl now always lets you move at least one tile
Scout/Build Bridge/Pass banners now show up on unscouted tiles
Weird, Shame, and Slacker quest buffs don't persist over legacy
Build Bridge/Pass options show up when clicking scouted tiles
if heroes are closer to source tile than target tile
Overland tile glowing now renders above unscouted fog of war
Fire smoke particles greatly reduced when there's a bunch
Skeleton curse ability is now a swift action
New sound effects for some abilities
Hook quests now require relationship tiers 3/3/4 instead of 3/4/5
Completed Hooks now show checkmarks in character sheet History
New VFX for star, vine, storm, fire, crow, hill, morthagi,
skeletal, and tree theme skins
Gear comparisons now show gear abilities and special aspects
Personality stats now have button to move a stat to the top
Personality stat buttons are now aligned next to each other
Controller adjustments:
* Split "Next Hero or Target" binding into separate bindings.
* Previous Bindings:
- Next/Prev Hero (when on Move) or Target (when on Ability):
Right/Left Bumper or Down/Up D-Pad
- Next/Prev Ability: Right/Left D-Pad
* New Bindings:
- Next/Prev Hero: Down/Up D-Pad
- Next/Prev Ability: Right/Left Bumper or Right/Left D-Pad
- Next/Prev Target: Unmapped by default
* Ability tooltips disappear when you move the cursor or camera
(and reappear after 1.5s, or when switching abilities)
* Right joystick now scrolls UI scrollbars
* Camera movement & selection now respects camera orientation
* Overland auto-selects the tile with the most heroes on it
* Target selection angles now based on center of entities
* Tooltips that are too large don't show up centered on screen
* Fixed controller navigation for calamity card screen
* Controller no longer auto-focuses on company button.
Added feather icon next to abilities that are swift by default
but are now single because you already used a swift action
Added sparkles to ability buttons for some non-turn-ending attacks
(battledance attacks, swift action wolf bite, prepared shot, etc)
New image for the Great One
Adjusted keyboard bindings screen to be more organized
Steam Deck and Steam Big Picture Mode:
* Selecting a textbox with a controller now shows Steam keyboard
* Many screens fit better at smaller resolutions (see below)
Adjusted some UI to work better at small resolutions/large UI size:
(Specifically, these screens should work better at a 1080x720
resolution with the "Bigger" UI option selected; useful for
small screens like the Steam Deck)
* Gear Upgrades
* Party Select
* Character Sheet
* Calamities Popups
* Interval Summary Screen
* Promotion Dialog
* Replace Item Dialog
Fix a bug with controller camera movement when switching units
Fix a bug where Engage prevented stonewalling
Fix a bug where Hago cub could be kept permanently
Fix a bug where lonely cost history lines were incorrectly applied
(helper and main hero lines were swapped)
Fix a bug where Batchby engage procs protector
Fix a bug where some comics were missing chinese translation
Fix a bug where armor category headers could appear multiple times
Fix a bug where Ticking Tomb victory wasn't disabled
Fix a bug where a hair option was showing up twice
Fix a bug where hovered overland abilities didn't show tooltips
Fix a bug with button prompt positioning and size
Fix a bug where piercing shots didn't work with all ranged attacks.
Fix a bug where controller could open non-hero character sheets
Fix a bug where missing mods box appearing caused a crash
Fix a bug where interval could crash if a non-hero retired.
Fix a bug where Spiritblade attacks worked on stunned heroes
Fix a bug where ambush worked while stasised
Fix a bug with low stunt chances for Chain Lightning and Discus
Fix a controller bug with some scenery with diagonal footprints
(stuff like barriers couldn't be selected)
Fix a few places that would show keyboard hints in controller mode
Fix a bug where switching heroes didn't properly show hero tooltip
Fix a crash with the interval
Fix a bug where dev option confirmAbilityUse could softlock games
Fix some typos
Tools: overrideParticleScript option to allow particle overrides
Tools: Debug ability target fail log info is now more clear
Tools: Added ifOwnerAspects and ifNoOwnerAspects arrays to Skinlayer
Tools: Can now use feedback.onlyShowIfVisibleTerrain on regions
Logo for Wildermyth
Release:13.11.2019 Genre: Strategie-Rollenspiel Entwickler: Worldwalker Games LLC Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
Einzelspieler Mehrspieler Koop

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