Change List:
- Added functionality for "Animal Sanctuary" technology. At the end of each Era, if you have this tech unlocked, there is a chance to gain +1 Raun Power directly tied to your Reputation. (ex: if you have 60 reputation, you have a 60% chance to gain +1 Raun Power). Added transmission feedback message to show when this Raun Power is earned.
- Changed debris wall spawners in era 2 missions to reduce changes of units being stuck when spawning from towns nearby.
- Added portrait and description for Graveyard map object in Era2M1.
- Now show character status effect icons in character slots, for the Unit UI when viewed in the RTS field. Abilities are shown in the HQ and encounters to make these icons more useful.
- Fixed some incorrect control text in tutorial text messages.
- Conductor "region of origin" is now always West Shadra.
- Fixed missing tool tip text for Raun count in top bar UI.
- Fixed same resource reward for story mission choices in Era 2 story mission.
- Tranquilize ability now reduces threat to differentiate it from Kick ability.
- Fixed all dialogue appearing in second portrait in some mission text boxes.
- Decreased "chance to miss" slightly across combat, and ensured no misses during first mission to reduce frustration.
- Removed a lot of debug output to clean up debug console messages when it is enabled.
- Updated the store page description text and short description.
- Smoothed terrain to avoid rare "stuck units" bug in era 2 missions.
- Aggressive finishers ("Wound", etc) now lower your reputation by 1 additional point to make them more of a consideration.
- Added new environment for Era 2 "Protect Raun" mission.
- Increased coin and trap reward amounts to balance economy in the campaign.
Be sure to wishlist or buy the game ahead of our upcoming 1.0 launch in early January! Join our Discord to follow along with our launch announcements!