This update brings fixes to some of the bigger issues from the previous game versions, as well as a bunch of smaller fixes and changes.
Content Changes
Weapons and Gear
- PA Garibaldi 12GA: temporarily disabled the silencer attachment on all the weapon versions.
PvE and SpecOps
- Pripyat, Black Shark, Icebreaker: slightly decreased the bot damage on the hard difficulty.
- Icebreaker: the time required to complete the special operation on gold has been increased by 4 minutes for the Easy difficulty.
- Decreased the bot damage on the hard difficulty in all PvE missions.
- Weapon info menu:[list]
- added the possibility to navigate to the Skins and Charms sections;
- added the possibility to delete an expired item.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug, due to which the game erroneously kicked a player out of the match for spamming double-climb.
- Fixed some issues that led to client crashes.
- Fixed a bug that caused the bots in PvE and SpecOps to deal more damage than intended.
Weapons and Gear
- Abyss Katana: fixed a bug, due to which the tentacle animations didn't work correctly.
- Fixed a bug due to which the revolvers had an incorrect reloading animation in the third person view.
- Gas Grenade: [list]
- fixed a bug, due to which the device could deal damage through walls.
- fixed smoke textures.
PvE and SpecOps
- Villa Valhalla: fixed a bug that caused the mission to soft lock when interrupting the first door opening animation.
- Fixed a bug, due to which it was impossible to jump over an obstacle in the training mission.
- Fixed a bug, due to which the SOs Blackwood and Heist were available to play on Normal and Hard for low level players.
- Fixed a bug that caused an invitation to a custom room to automatically decline if the player opened up the inviting person's profile.
- Fixed a bug due to which some elements of the character creation interface were displayed incorrectly.
- Fixed some bugs that caused visual issues with some weapon skins in the first person view when switching classes.
- Fixed a bug that caused the interfaces of the PvP channel selection screen and the main menu to overlap.
- Fixed a bug, due to which the game interface would sometimes get locked when leaving a clan.
- Fixed a bug, due to which the currencies in the contracts were displayed incorrectly.
- Fixed a bug, due to which the PvE channels list wasn't properly sorted.
- Fixed a bug, due to which the Karambitosaur achievement wasn't active.
- Fixed a bug, due to which the progress towards the Furious Typhoon, Advanced: Furious Typhoon, Advanced: Dragon Slayer, and Hydriform achievements wasn't counted.
- Fixed a bug, due to which the event showcase sometimes wouldn't automatically update after making a purchase.
- Fixed a bug, due to which the character model would sometimes be displayed incorrectly in the Inventory.
- Fixed a bug, due to which PC players could see console exclusive achievements.
- Fixed a bug, due to which the Quick Chat options (the default F1-F4 commands) worked incorrectly.
- Fixed a visual bug, due to which the NPC's face in the Shooting Range was displayed incorrectly.
- Fixed a bug, due to which the maxed out weapons' levels would be displayed incorrectly.
- Fixed a visual bug, due to which when changing a weapon charm, the previous one would "lag behind", making it appear as if two charms were equipped.
- Fixed a bug, due to which some elements of certain character skins would be visible through a smoke screen.
- Fixed a bug, due to which the device skin preview worked incorrectly.
- Fixed some interface icons.
- Updated localisation: fixed some inconsistencies, added missing texts.
See you in the game!
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