[p]With this update, we are rolling out a new Winchester SXP shotgun along with a bunch of bug fixes and adding a few weapon stats tweaks.[/p]
Content Changes
Weapons and Gear
[p]The “Street Rebels” season has expanded weapon options for each class, maintaining the variety introduced in the fall season. However, two weapons have disrupted the balance, limiting the potential of the overall arsenal. These changes aim to reduce the long-range effectiveness of the MAG-7 and increase the FN SCAR-H's TTK (Time to Kill) when targeting the body and limbs. Additionally, the USAS-12 is being improved for mid-range engagements to better compete with winter weapons.[/p]
[h5]FN SCAR-H[/h5]
- Fire rate reduced to 570 (previously 600).
- ADS accuracy increased to 56.5% (previously 49.7%).
- Reduced accuracy penalty during sustained fire.
- Further improved accuracy when crouching, prone, or sliding.
- Minimum pellet damage reduced to 23 (previously 27.5).
- ADS accuracy reduced to 72.87% (previously 76.75%).
- Now, killing an enemy with the Sticky Grenade counts toward the “Blastback” achievement.
- Melee damage with weapons and devices is now standardized at 65. If the weapon is equipped with a bayonet, melee damage increases to 170.
- The bonus currency vault capacity has been increased from 85 to 150.
Bug Fixes
Weapons and Gear
- SVCh-54: fixed a bug where the scope sometimes could be displayed incorrectly.
- Kord 5.45: fixed a bug where the firing sound would not work correctly when a mod affecting the fire rate was equipped.
- Fixed a bug where a bonus from the Advanced Reflex Sight would not work on some shotguns.
- Fixed a bug on the “Xmas Trailer Park” map which would cause collision with an invisible object.
- Fixed a bug causing unjustified player bans.
- Fixed a bug where the player sometimes would join the adversary team when reconnecting to a match.
- Fixed a bug where sometimes players would not teleport to the spawn point when entering pause.
- Fixed a bug where the league icon sometimes would not display correctly in the Leaderboard.
- Fixed a bug where the future reward displayed in the pop-up window after ranking up was incorrect.
- Re-enabled the enhanced Game Pause feature. Read more about it here.
PvE and SO
- “Silent Streets”: fixed a bug where players would start the SO with an incomplete team.
- Fixed a bug where the boost spot indications would not be visible on some maps.
- Fixed a bug where a random box was available to open after collecting all the items in it.
- Re-enabled the ability to vote to kick players out of a match.
- Fixed a bug causing a black screen and visual artifacts when starting a match.
- Updated localization: fixed some inconsistencies, added missing texts.
Known issues
- The winning team sometimes may see the “Defeat” message.
[p]See you in the game![/p]
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