[p]This update delivers a new SR-3M submachine gun, a new “Last Stand” event (available on 21.02), a bunch of bug fixes, and a few weapon stats tweaks.[/p]
Content Changes
Gold Skins
[p]Gold versions and achievements for kills for the following weapons have been added to the game: CheyTac M200, USAS-12, and Taurus Judge.[/p]

Weapons and Gear
[p]Devs’ Notes: In this patch, we have implemented several adjustments aimed at stabilizing weapon balance following the winter season release.[/p]
[p]Main issues addressed:[/p]
- Excessive power of the Winchester SXP and MAG-7. These two shotguns overshadowed the rest of the Medic's arsenal, creating a significant performance imbalance between Medic and other classes.
- Overpowering versatility of the CZ Scorpion EVO and FAMAE SAF-200. To address this, we are reducing their TTK (Time to Kill) when firing at the body and introducing a new competitor for these SMGs—the PP-2011 Kedr-Para. This will diversify the Engineer's weapon arsenal and give more room for other submachine guns.
- ST Kinetics CPW low effectiveness. The weakest of the current top pistols, falling behind even the standard Maxim-9. This pistol receives a significant buff to compete for the sidearm slot.
- Winchester SXP Defender:[list]
- Effective range reduced to 5.5 (previously 6) for the regular version, and to 5.7 (previously 6.2) for the gold version.
- Minimum pellet damage reduced to 17.5 (previously 19).
- Damage drop per meter increased to 9.5 (previously 8.5).
- Hip fire accuracy reduced to 42% (previously 45%).
- Aiming accuracy reduced to 47.1% (previously 50%).
- Additional reduction in accuracy while crouching, diving, jumping, and moving.
- Damage drop per meter increased to 9.5 (previously 9).
- Minimum pellet damage reduced to 21.5 (previously 23).
- Fire rate reduced to 750 (previously 790) for the regular version, and to 755 (previously 795) for the gold version.
- Fire rate reduced to 740 (previously 775) for the regular version, and to 745 (previously 780) for the gold version.
- Damage increased to 125 (previously 120).
- Damage multipliers increased to 6/1.25/1.12/1.1 (previously 5.8/1.12/1.05/1).
- Body Damage mod bonus reduced to 0.5/1/1.5/2/4% (previously 1/2/3/4/8%). Accuracy penalty removed.
- Fire rate increased to 950 (previously 880) for the regular version, and to 960 (previously 890) for the gold version.
- Fire rate increased to 850 (previously 825) for the regular version, and to 855 (previously 830) for the gold version.
- Fire rate increased to 860 (previously 835) for the regular version, and to 865 (previously 840) for the gold version.
- Fire rate increased to 215 (previously 200) for the regular version, and to 220 (previously 205) for the gold version.
- Sticky Grenade: the radius of guaranteed lethal damage has been reduced from 4m to 3m. The overall effective radius remains unchanged—6m.
Devs' Notes: the rebalance aims to increase the accuracy requirement, as currently, throwing a grenade requires minimal effort and almost always results in damage or a kill.
- The mission display order on the main screen has been updated.
- Support for Shadowplay Highlights has been phased out as this technology is no longer supported by NVIDIA.
Bug Fixes
Weapons and Gear
- VSS Vintorez and AMB-17: fixed incorrect display of the module selection interface.
- Comodo CSV-9: fixed a bug where the reload animation of the weapon would not display when using the Beta Engineer Gloves.
- Winchester SXP Defender: fixed a bug where some modules lacked localization.
- Adrenaline: fixed a bug that sometimes allowed unlimited use.
- Fixed a bug that allowed access to the mod installation and mastery upgrade sections for temporary weapons.
- Fixed a bug where the animation of certain weapons did not match the actual damage dealt with a buttstock or bayonet strike.
- Fixed a bug where the winning team sometimes may see the “Defeat” message.Ranked Matches: Scourge, Puma, and Jester Queen agent suits are now prohibited.
- Fixed the display of icons for certain Random Boxes.
- Fixed a rare bug where the game could crash when changing graphics settings during a match.
- Fixed a bug where two-digit mini-achievements were displayed incorrectly in the "Recent Players" tab.
- Fixed a texture bug that occurred on medium graphics settings when "Screen Space Reflection" was enabled.
- Fixed a bug where achievements purchased in the store might not appear in the corresponding profile tab.
- Fixed a rare bug where the game could freeze upon receiving messages from players with the “Away from Keyboard” status.
[p]See you in the game![/p]
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