Introducing Agent Meerkat, a formidable sharpshooter and exceptional leader! Join her as she introduces you to the elite squad “Samoon”, committed to infiltrating and organizing efficient “clean-ups” in hazardous facilities. Prepare to delve into her intriguing backstory and set, among which you’ll find “Mongoose” series weapons, unique achievements and charms.
Born into a family of military stalwarts, Rim Ayari's fascination with military science developed in her formative years. Following the illustrious path laid by her parents, she enrolled in one of Europe's eminent military academies, where she performed very well. Post-graduation, she seamlessly integrated into one of the Euro-Alliance's regular units and participated in several local conflicts.
However, the main turn in her career unfolded during Operation "Anubis", when North Africa succumbed to the uprising of rogue cyborgs. Tasked with restoring order and eliminating the remaining cyborg production facilities, Rim Ayari's unit embarked on a mission that would redefine her trajectory. Amidst the chaos, her outstanding combat and unrivaled marksmanship solidified her reputation as a peerless sniper.
Her success did not go unnoticed, propelling her to lead the elite "Samoom" squad — an initiative devised by the Euro-Alliance to infiltrate and clean up Blackwood's secret facilities. Rim's invaluable experience proved instrumental in the squad's operations. Although the official dissolution of the detachment loomed due to financial constraints within the Euro-Alliance, Rim and her teammates decided to preserve "Samoom," and began operating independently.
Agent Meerkat Set
The “Mongoose" weapon series’ sandy look will instantly immerse you into the “Anubis” atmosphere! The weapon series includes the MTs-572 Astarta, the Taurus Raging Hunter and the Karambit.

Is collecting weapon charms your thing? Then we have just the right addition to your collection! Check out the adorable yet deadly meerkat inspired charm in Agent Meerkat’s set. Add a little good luck charm to your weapons!

The game now also features new achievements for eliminating enemies with new weapon models designed in Agent Meerkat's style. Defeat your enemies with "Mongoose" arms and spice up your profile!
How can I get the novelties?
We've added contracts with the new content. Complete tasks to get "Mongoose" weapons, boxes with the Agent Meerkat suit, unique achievements, a weapon charm, and other handy items.

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