In the aisles of the History Center of the Notre-Dame-de-Lorette Memorial'14-18, a World War One museum in France, you’ll be able to find a special exhibition! The "War games. Playing with History allows visitors of the museum to emerge themselves into WW1 history, by having 10 games available to play. We’re happy to share that Verdun is one of those games!
Starting today, October 12th, until May 2024, you’ll be able to visit this special expo at the museum. Entry to the museum and exhibition are both free so if you’re in France (or going there on a trip) we definitely recommend you going there.

The exhibition is designed and organized by the Mémorial'14-18 Notre-Dame-de-Lorette, the Defense Communication and Audiovisual Production Establishment (ECPAD) and the Ardennes Departmental Council through the War and Peace Museum.
For more information about the museum, please be sure to check their website. If you do visit the expo, be sure to share pictures with us on social media and/or Discord