By Bundesarchiv, Bild 146-1970-009-17 / CC-BY-SA 3.0, CC BY-SA 3.0 de
During this siege, the Germans who were stationed in the north could only use the single-track line from Trier to Liège, Brussels, Valenciennes and Cambrai, which could accommodate a maximum of forty trains a day.
At the end of August, the garrison made several sorties but the third was a costly failure, after which the French prepared to receive the German attack. The German bombardment began at 1:00 p.m. on 29 August, assisted by agents in the Entrenched Position who passed reports on the fall of shot, greatly increasing the accuracy of the German guns. The forts and infantry shelters (ouvrages) were wrecked by the German and Austrian super-heavy howitzers; German medium artillery also proved unexpectedly effective.
In-game event
Starting today until September 1st, you can play our latest campaign. All casualties in Frontlines & Maneuver game modes in Verdun and Tannenberg will be added to the total losses. The winning side will be whoever suffers the least amount of killed and wounded soldiers. Too many First World War battles essentially became meat grinders (or were even conceived as such from the start) and so it is for our campaigns.
A new battle awaits at the Italian Front
The Monte Piana map for Isonzo is coming closer! Want to know more about the battle it's based on? Read the latest devblog here: