German commanders ordered an advance on Marigny and Lucy through Belleau Wood as part of a major offensive, in which other German troops would cross the Marne River. U.S. Army General James Harbord countermanded a French order to dig trenches further to to rear, ordering his men to “hold where they stand”. With bayonets, the Marines dug shallow fighting positions from which they could shoot from the prone position. In the afternoon of 3 June, German infantry attacked the Marine positions through the grain fields with bayonets fixed. The Marines waited until the Germans were within 91m (100 yd) before opening deadly rifle fire which mowed down waves of German infantry and forced the survivors to retreat into the woods
This and many battles that followed where part of the Battle of Belleau Wood
In-game Event
Starting today until July 5th, you can play our latest campaign.All casualties in Frontlines- & Maneuver game modes in Verdun and Tannenberg will be added to the total losses. The winning side will be whoever suffers the least amount of killed and wounded soldiers. Too many First World War battles essentially became meat grinders (or were even conceived as such from the start) and so it is for our campaigns.
Steam Summer Sale
The Steam Summer Sale will start tomorrow! You’ll be able to get Verdun & Tannenberg with 75% off and Isonzo has a 45% discount