We want to thank all our soldiers who have joined the fronts over the years. Did you make your way from the Western Front, towards the Eastern one and ended up high in the mountains in Isonzo?
Or are you a new recruit who recently joined any of the fronts?
No matter what, we thank you for playing our games!
Here are some fun facts for each games, that you might not know.
- The first ideas and concepts for Verdun were made back in August 2006, 17 years ago!
- For Tannenberg, the team considered for a long time to make a Cossacks soldier the main promo banner character
- Isonzo's well beloved OST 'Rinascereme Insieme' wasn't planned at the beginning, but more a place holder song. It really grew on the team and they decided to make it into a full song that you now know and love today
- Combined, the games have 29 maps. Here they are from west to east, north to south:
- Flanders, Artois, Picardie, Aisne, Champagne, Argonne, Vauquois, Douaumont, st. Mihiel, Vosges, Cengio, Fior, Dolomiti, Piana, Grappa, Piave, Caporetto, Sabotino, Gorizia, Carso, Baltic, East Prussia, Galicia, Poland, Carpathians, Prsemysl, Ukraine, Roumania, Dobrudja
We'll have more fun little activities along the way so stay tuned here in the Discord and on our social media