A new farming filled update has just landed, bursting to the seams with new content and quality of life improvements!
This patch follows the animal and dangerous plants updates, which added taming, new enemies, labyrinth improvements and many more QOL features.
As always leave your feedback in the comments below, it is hugely appreciated and has helped us shape up the game to be the best it can be! Plus, we'll be working off of this feedback and doing more testing to get these updates to the live version!
Farming Update
Crop System
- Players can now plant and grow their own crops including new varieties of plants to grow. Remember to water them!
- Domesticated crops can offer a higher yield of resources including rare items.\n- Dangerous plants can now be grown to act as base defences.
- New cooking recipes have been added utilising new crops.
- New structures and items have been added to support.
- Monkeys can now plant seeds and water if taught.
- Seeds can be found on certain animals throughout the world.

Dyeing Bench
- A bench that allows players to colour walls, floors and chests to suit their tastes.

New Structures
- Tools and weapons can now be repaired with the new repair bench.
- Weapons and tools can now be improved by using the grindstone structure.
- Alchemy bench allows the player to transmute certain items into others.
- Food processor bench allows food resources to be converted.
- Cosmetic structures have been added including pond that can be populated with fish.
- Refuse pit can be used to destroy items.
- Decorative water features have been added.

Fast Raft
- A new faster raft can be crafted using crop resources.
- Nets and fish traps can be crafted enable catching fish live or for food.
Raid Improvements
- Raids are now focused on the player and occur during bloodmoon.
- Players now receive plenty of warning prior to a raid to enable them to pick the right course of action.
- Tamed animals can be used as guard animals.
Larger Inventory
- Access to a larger inventory via a backpack has been added.

Group Pickup
- Alternate methods of pickup have been added, no need to spam the button.
- No longer needs to be selected, as long as it is in the inventory it will be used.
New Rare Resources
- Rare resources are now present in the world needed for some recipes.
Combat & Stamina
- An overhaul to combat giving more fluid combat.
- Greater control over direction of attack.
- Lunge and knockback changes.
- Stamina has been altered reducing running out when in combat and harvesting resources.
- Flatter difficulty curve for enemy health.
Other adjustments
- Damage values added to weapon tooltips.
- Durability values added to tooltips.
- Some reworking of weapon and tool values to make clearer the benefits of using the right tool for the right job.
- Better colour coding on items to make clearer their rarity.
- Baby animals are now present in the world.
- New rare crops have been added to the world (*requires new save for them to appear naturally although all the resources are obtainable through getting the seeds from monsters/animals and growing them yourself!).
- Monkeys now ‘bark’ needs as well as an icon.
- Loot pools have been rebalanced.
- Summon favourite monkeys from anywhere with the new summoning banana.
- Durability on weapons and tools increased.
- Slight increase to player and monkey movement speed.
- A host of new recipes have been added to complement and support new features.
- Online privileges are now turned on by default.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where Shadows were displaying incorrectly around Teleporters.
- Fixed instances where sleeping could cause a desync between the visual and actual time of day.
- Fur rugs are no longer able to be placed ocean tiles using the raft.
- Fixed an issue preventing players from using the Host’s shared monkeys unless both players have the privilege turned on.
- Fixed an issue which caused raft music to continually play.
- Fixed an issue where players could place storage chests on swamp tar pits.
- Fixed an issue where the growing up particle effect for baby animals was desynced.
- Fixed an issue that prevented players from changing the colour of their character or monkey using Mouse and Keyboard.
- Fixed an issue where pins placed in Vaults and Labyrinths were incorrectly displayed outside of these areas.
- Fixed an issue which caused the Structural Integrity achievement to unlock when building the Taming Bench.
- Fixed an issue preventing interaction with some lootable objects.
- Fixed an issue where on rare occasions a player’s monkeys could not travel back with them when leaving an online session.
- Fixed an issue where on rare occasions after a raid, damaged chests could no longer be used by monkeys.
That's it for this update, we hope you like these changes and look forward to hearing what you think about them! We'll be looking to move forward with more changes and the new content into a live patch as soon as we can so any feedback is hugely appreciated. This update will also be coming to other platforms with the previous Animal + Dangerous Plants Update and we'll keep everyone updated on when they are expected.
If you don't have access to the Experimental Branch yet for The Survivalists and would like to try upcoming changes to the game you can do some by following the information below...
Installing the Experimental Branch
Warning on save data
If you access the Experimental Branch you risk your save data. We highly recommend backing up your save data before accessing it. Your save data default should be here:

You can just copy this to another folder for safe keeping.
Your current save will be compatible with the new Experimental Branch but likely you will not be able to go back to default with that save. The Experimental Branch will be kept up to date, so you could in theory just play the new branch going forwards. Also you will only be able to play online with other experimental branch players as the default will be incompatible.
Steps to enable Experimental Branch
First right click the game in your Steam Library and select Properties.

Then select the ‘Betas’ tab.

From here select Experimental from the dropdown list.

Once you next try to open The Survivalists on Steam you should automatically download the experimental branch!
Experimental Branch Feedback
Let us know all your thoughts and feedback in the ‘Experimental Branch Feedback’ section on the Steam forums and feel free to report any issues in the ‘Report Experimental Branch Problems’ area.
Thanks again for all your support and feedback so far, we can’t wait for everyone to try out all of the tweaks and new changes!
We'll keep everyone up to date here on Steam when all of the new changes roll onto the new branch and live.
For all the latest news check out these links:
The Survivalists Discord
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Team 17 Facebook
Team 17 Discord
May your loot be plentiful and your monkeys well fed!