This is Agnès, aka Clemenc, founder and only developer at games studio 2054.
I’ve told you before a little bit about some of the characters in The Sundew in previous developer updates here. I want to shift gears today to another equally important part of the story, a mysterious group that is key in the events of the game.
Introducing: Sagi Electrics.

Sagi Electrics Corporation, spelled in Japanese as 鷺電機株式会社 (鷺 : sagi = heron, 電機 : Electrics, 株式会社 : Kabushiki-gaisha (KK) = company) was originally an energy supplier in Japan and a precursor in the use of thorium as an energy fuel. In 2054, Sagi encompasses a large number of companies, including:
Sagi Robotics
Division focused on the creation of industrial robots and robots for armament, including those used by the police headquartered in Shibukawa.
Isetan & Mitsukoshi
Major Japanese retail chain (hyakkaten 百貨店 or depāto デパート), bought by Sagi Electrics in 2032.
A chain of virtual reality game centers (Geenmusenta ゲ-ムセンタ) highly criticized for its marketing tactics aimed at capturing and keeping a maximum number of gamers dependent on their titles by using very advanced cognitive techniques.
Konoyume Research Center
Research center dedicated to the establishment of cognitive and marketing models used by the previously mentioned Konoyume centers.
子の夢 : konoyume = children's dreams
Sagi Organics 鷺有機物株式会社
The subsidiary of Sagi Electrics dedicated to the study of living organisms, Sagi Organics is a research center with 52 people divided into two sections, Animals and Plants, of 38 and 14 people respectively.
The Animals section of the company participated in the beginning of the
Victoria program, a project to create cyborgs capable of drastically reducing crime, in partnership with the Police, but was sidelined from it, at the time, in 2031, after a worldwide media scandal.
The Plant Section of Sagi Organics resumed research activities jointly with the Police during World War III in 2049-2051, with the greatest secrecy, in a program called The Sundew, in collaboration with a team of Sagi Robotics.
Today, in 2054, a cyborg called Anna Isobe, created during the Victoria program from biological parents, will find herself once again in the clutches of the Sagi Electrics conglomerate. She is going to discover what the famous program The Sundew is all about, and maybe prevent the company from taking even more grip on the Japanese society. Find out more by playing The Sundew :)
Thanks for reading and I hope you find it interesting! Please feel free to ask any questions and provide feedback on what I’ve been sharing!
If you missed it before, you can watch a short interview I did for ActuGaming here.
All the best,