This is Clemenc (Agnès Vuillaume), the founder and only developer at games studio 2054. The Sundew is launching this Summer for PC, Linux, and Switch. As I continue working on the development of this adventure, I wanted to share a bit on some of the main characters you’ll meet in this tale.
The Sundew focuses on the story of Anna Isobe and her journey through her life as a cop that will put her in a difficult spot: a global conspiracy that places the fate of the world in her hands. The main focus of the game is this grander scheme and the intricacies of its events, but while crafting the world of Japan in 2054, I built a set of characters with many backstories that might not be explored too much in this game. I’d like to tell you a little bit about those.
Anna Isobe
Our protagonist, the woman of the hour. Anna Isobe, born in 2033, is one of the finest achievements of the Victoria program, a cyborg-development initiative led by Sagi Organics, in partnership with the police, in terms of stability and profitability. She was 16 years old when the program was abandoned, 21 in 2054, when the story takes place.
She has had some high points in policing, her career having begun at the age of 14, but she is not always appreciated by her colleagues because of her overly angry and narcissistic nature. She has a high opinion of herself and is reluctant to go to work, which she finds completely uninteresting compared to what she has experienced before. She goes out a lot and is a heavy drinker, which is not really to the taste of her superior, Arabella Fujiwara. More on Arabella later. ;)
At work, some people hate her, others worship her, which is not to help her stabilize psychologically. Sentimentally speaking, she moves from one person to the next, with no particular goal other than to have fun and forget about the discrepancy between her abilities and the work she is currently doing. For the past few weeks, she has been seeing someone named Rick, whom she met at a medical student party where two friends took her.
Rick F. Beckard
Rick and his twin brother Ciel are activists in the Pillbox, a group of anti-globalization activists based in the Republic of the Philippines. Rick is 30 years old in 2054 and is endowed with good physical strength augmented by cybernetic implants.
He has been living in Japan for 11 years, has worked in the Japanese police and was appointed as a police officer due to his negotiating skills and his ability to manipulate others, making him a major asset in dealing with the yakuzas. He left the police in 2053 due to his involvement in shady business, but continues to work with the police as a freelancer. In order to maintain his cover, his file is kept secret within the police itself. He donates much of the money he generates from his various activities to his brother Ciel, who is handicapped.
After he left the police force, he became involved as a field agent in Japan for the Pillbox. In January 2054, Rick was assigned the mission to get close to Anna to rally her to the cause of the Pillbox, in order to use her physical strength and her computer and cybernetic capacity in the fight against The Sundew project. He fell in love with Anna even before he met her, but hides this attraction in order to carry out his mission, and especially to get closer to her. He organizes a fake meeting in a bar, and knows her for a few weeks when the action of the game takes place in September 2054. He is officially Nao's boyfriend.
Ciel Beckard
Ciel is an activist of the Pillbox too. Unlike his brother Rick, Ciel is a stubborn person, and it is to his character that he owes it to be still alive. He lost his body in 2048 in a flying motorcycle accident and has a medium range cybernetic body, which unfortunately does not have a very great physical strength. For example, it is unable to run. When this incident occurred, he was pursuing a brilliant career as a lawyer, but was unable to conclude his studies.
A close friend, a member of the Pillbox, helped him avoid death by having his brain connected to a totally cybernetic body, and he then became the first human being with an artificial body to survive this operation and regain the ability to use this new body almost autonomously. He connected his brain to this cybernetic body through will power and unceasing efforts during a rehabilitation that lasted 5 years, while using his intellectual capacities to help the activities of the Pillbox.
Before his accident, Ciel was an arrogant person. He still has a slightly contemptuous side inherited from his former way of life, but his forced immobilization made him think a lot, and he now tries to be more tolerant, even if he keeps an inflexible side. He learned diplomacy during his long years of re-education.
He is tortured by the fact that his brother is involved in activities with the yakuza and the money Rick pays him helps him cover his debts because of the huge expenses related to his body.
I’ll be sharing more with you as I can continue making content! Thank you all for your continuous support, the kind comments and wishlists mean a lot.
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