• The Sundew: Screen zum Spiel The Sundew.
  • The Sundew: Screen zum Spiel The Sundew.
  • The Sundew: Screen zum Spiel The Sundew.
  • The Sundew: Screen zum Spiel The Sundew.
  • The Sundew: Screen zum Spiel The Sundew.
  • The Sundew: Screen zum Spiel The Sundew.
  • The Sundew: Screen zum Spiel The Sundew.
  • The Sundew: Screen zum Spiel The Sundew.
  • The Sundew: Screen zum Spiel The Sundew.
  • The Sundew: Screen zum Spiel The Sundew.
  • The Sundew: Screen zum Spiel The Sundew.
  • The Sundew: Screen zum Spiel The Sundew.
  • The Sundew: Screen zum Spiel The Sundew.
  • The Sundew: Screen zum Spiel The Sundew.
  • The Sundew: Screen zum Spiel The Sundew.
  • The Sundew: Screen zum Spiel The Sundew.
  • The Sundew: Screen zum Spiel The Sundew.
  • The Sundew: Screen zum Spiel The Sundew.
  • The Sundew: Screen zum Spiel The Sundew.
  • The Sundew: Screen zum Spiel The Sundew.
  • The Sundew: Screen zum Spiel The Sundew.
  • The Sundew: Screen zum Spiel The Sundew.
  • The Sundew: Screen zum Spiel The Sundew.
  • The Sundew: Screen zum Spiel The Sundew.


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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 14.10.2021
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Preis Update 28.11.24

Über das Spiel

Shibukawa, Hauptstadt Japans, 2054. Wasser tropft von der rissigen Decke auf die Bettkante. Der unablässige Regen überdeckt das Surren eines Kühlschranks und das Brummen der in Neonlicht getauchten Stadt. Du erkennst weder den schweren Atem in deinem Ohr noch die Wärme des Körpers, der neben dir liegt...

Die Welt ist vor die Hunde gegangen und zieht dich mit runter.

Willkommen in Shibukawa. Du bist Anna Isobe, eine kybernetisch verbesserte Polizistin in einer Welt, die dich im Stich gelassen hat. Einst waren Cyborgs eine leuchtende Hoffnung für die Zukunft, doch nun sind sie zum Tabu geworden. Du wurdest durch Drohnen und Roboter ersetzt, die selbst deine hochentwickelten Fähigkeiten überflüssig machen. Gefangen in einem undankbaren Job, inmitten von gleichgültigen Blicken, hast du immer noch die Pflicht zu schützen und zu dienen, und das ist genau das, was du tun wirst.

The Sundew ist ein düsteres Abenteuerspiel, das in der Zeit nach einem verheerenden Krieg in der Zukunft spielt. Die Welt, wie wir sie kennen, wurde unter Flammen in eine schreckliche neue Dystopie verwandelt. Was als normaler Tag beginnt, wird schnell zu etwas Anderem, und schon bald hält eine einsame Streifenpolizistin das Schicksal der Welt in ihren Händen.

The Sundew ist eine Hommage an die klassischen Adventures der Vergangenheit und reflektiert gleichzeitig zeitgenössische Themen und Spielweisen. Wunderschön gezeichnete Pixel-Art und atemberaubendes Sounddesign erwecken diese düstere Zukunft zum Leben und lassen dich in eine Vision des menschlichen Fortschritts eintauchen, die sowohl fremd als auch seltsam vertraut ist...

Japan liegt in Trümmern, bis auf die pulsierende Zufluchtsstätte Shibukawa. Begleite Anna durch diese neue Megametropole und über sie hinaus, auf ihrer Suche nach dem Geheimnis hinter einer wachsenden Verschwörung. Begib dich auf eine Reise von den Seitenstraßen der Stadt zu weit entfernten Inseln und dem berüchtigtsten Gefängnis diesseits der Steppe.

Neben dem klassischen Point-and-Click-Gameplay verlangt The Sundew von dir Entscheidungen zu treffen, die die Zukunft der Menschheit verändern werden. In Anspielung auf zeitgenössische Themen sind die Entscheidungen nie schwarz-weiß. Wo liegen deiner Meinung nach die Interessen der Menschheit, und welche Mittel sind zulässig, um sie zu erreichen?

  • Steuere Anna Isobe, eine Cyborg-Polizistin mit einer dunklen Vergangenheit, durch die Enthüllung einer globalen Verschwörung.
  • Entdecke eine Vielzahl von Charakteren, die alle ihre eigenen Geheimnisse und Geschichten haben.
  • Erkunde Shibukawa und die Überreste der alten Welt.
  • Triff Entscheidungen, die das Schicksal der Menschheit zum Guten oder zum Schlechten verändern werden.


  • CPU: Intel Core / 2GHz
  • GFX: Intel HD 3000
  • RAM: 2 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7
  • HD: 300 MB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 11
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch
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Steam Nutzer-Reviews

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334 Produkte im Account
243 Reviews
323 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.03.22 00:32
It does feel incomplete, rushed perhaps, as though segments were missing. But it's definitely recommendable. The fundamentals are all there and you can sense the backstory & worldbuilding are well-realised even if the finished product doesn't really do them justice. The design is excellent, with interesting & inventive scenes, and a characterful handcrafted quality. Puzzles were tricksy in that way less modern point & clicks can be, and I really enjoyed that. In itself it's a fairly good game; moreover it oozes promise and I'd be excited to try something from this developer in future.
546 Produkte im Account
86 Reviews
375 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.02.22 05:51
I liked this point and click adventure game very much. The story was interesting and very well done. I enjoyed how the writers gradually and naturally gave you information about your character and the game world as you played instead of a data dump of sorts at the beginning or everything at the end. I thought the challenge level was just right. Moving on in the game was logical, fair, and fit with the story, but wasn’t too easy that I got bored. There are optional collectibles that were creative and fun to collect with their captions in the scenes. No voiceovers,, but that didn’t bother me at all. Manual saves which are always nice.

It took me 6 hours to play and I had a lot of fun with this game. I recommend to point and click adventure fans.
756 Produkte im Account
271 Reviews
214 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.02.22 13:01
I really hope the devs are still working on improving the puzzles and adding a little more polish to The Sundew because it's loaded with potential. If you get stuck I recommend using the guide; some puzzles are a little convoluted but the story and art's worth your time.

The Sundew is a decent modern point and click; it has the potential to be amazing but needs a little more TLC. The pixels are stunning, story's intriguing, writing's decent but puzzles need some work.

For more niche curation, follow me at: https://store.steampowered.com/curator/27440015-CSH-Picone/
569 Produkte im Account
83 Reviews
297 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.12.21 04:18
Indie cyberpunk point’n’click. Pleasant, if stereotypical experience for those who want a dose of the trendy genre in their life.

Anna is a cyborg cop with a disdain for the rules and a somewhat self-destructing side. Woken up on Sunday morning after a night of fun by her boss, she’s being sent on a mission to shoot a mysterious target. During pre-mission physical check something goes awry in the police station; not knowing what is exactly going on, Anna decides to proceed with a mission first and deal with the rest later. “The rest” will include an array of topics typical for this set-up such as “man vs machine”, ”man vs AI”, “man vs the system” and some strange botany – essentially, everything that is expected from an adventure in CP style.

The game starts in substantially “cyberpunked” Japanese city (Tokyo has been destroyed by an unknown force) and involves solving a mystery that sits appropriately within the lines of this genre narrative without stepping outside of usual. While story is decently pieced together, it does suffer from sudden info dumps that seem to come out of nowhere to add a layer of complexity, however, due to rather abrupt way they are introduced, they only bring the feeling of being forced on the player in hopes to give a brisk backstory and some conclusions. It would have been much more satisfying to learn bits and pieces throughout the entire game and let it slow burn into a player’s heart instead of suddenly informing about the reason to go through everything in the first place, all the while leaving some story threads purposeless in a head-scratching way. Anna is trope-y yet likable enough to continue explore the mystery; and the writing, just like everything else, is floating at “middle-of-the-road”, average mark (few translation issues included). Nothing to write home about (ha!) but fitting well with the rest of the elements to make progression effortless and pleasant enough to follow it through the end.

Puzzle element in “Sundew” is of a classic point’n’click variety (mostly of an inventory manipulation sub-category) and is an easy-breezy business even for those who doesn’t play adventures all that often. Some of the solutions will raise an eyebrow (still easy but just… bit silly), and one particular moment will be a pain in the neck simply due to unintuitive placement of an item; but overall, it’s a brisk “go, go, go” pace that won’t really stump the player. There will be a few decisions that will ultimately lead to different outcomes (the rest of the dialogue choices won’t affect much at all), so saving manually is a great idea despite autosave doing its job if there’s a desire to see all endings – drastically different in theory, but a bit anticlimactic in execution. And there are collectibles throughout the game for those who are into it, plus achievements to hunt down - a fairly standard set with a “light” tag hanging on it.

The visuals are, just to follow the overall pattern, exactly what cyberpunk PNCs tend to look like in their textbook variety. A retro, dark, noir-ish pixelated look. It’s done well here and even has a few imaginative takes on modes of transportation which were kinda cool. Of course, mandatory city skyline with neon lights and dark alleys are included in the setting. Can’t really be cyberpunk if those aren’t present, so nothing to worry about here – stylishly blurry bodies of NPCs will be animated in all the appropriate backdrops.

There isn’t a voice-over here (apart hilarious glitch where Anna starts speaking French for a few seconds), but it works. As always – on a tight budget it’s usually better without one than with a shitty one. Music is very sporadic, and whenever it is present it’s a rather “unmemorable but nice” sort of techno deal. The game is mostly built on sound effects, and they do a good job of relaying the atmosphere of the situation with occasional over-the-top moments. Essentially, yet another component that is good enough to make an enjoyable but a tad run-of-the-mill experience.

“Sundew” won’t be blowing anyone's socks off, as the game is as “standard cyberpunk point’n’click” as it gets, with all the tropes it ensues. It has a rather rushed, but interesting enough plot and easy puzzle element that will prompt a player to continue through this just under 5-hour mark adventure. The game will work best for those who likes anything with a cyberpunk tag – you will get the classic, safe set of your favorite things, or those who, for some unexplained reason, are running out of things to play and have a point’n’click itch they need to scratch – this rather new, a bit stereotypical but still entertaining adventure can help out with that.

Now… to battle, or not to battle the AI, that is the question.

For more point’n’click awesomeness join our group!!
https://steamcommunity.com/groups/CPANDC" target="_blank"> Coalition of Pointers and Clickers
888 Produkte im Account
154 Reviews
244 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.12.21 19:01
A very good point & click adventure game.
With a very interesting story, atmospheric art and a few choices along the way as well.

The only real downsides are:
- It's fairly short (makes sense for a mostly-solo project, of course)
- A few bugs (mostly graphical glitches, none major)
- Some puzzles require you to leave a screen and come back without any indication that you actually did something, pretty awkward.
897 Produkte im Account
505 Reviews
425 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.21 20:30
For more puzzle game reviews, news and everything puzzle-related, follow Puzzle Lovers and check out our Steam group.

the sundew is a nice-looking point & click adventure set in japan in 2054, with the expected amount of neon-fueled depression and a cyborg cop called anna as protagonist. you are forced to work on a sunday after a cyber attack on the police station and while getting prepped for your next job, something weird happens, followed by more weirdness. hard to talk about the story without spoilers, so I won't, I'll just say I didn't find it particularly interesting and the writing is iffy as well.

controls are mostly fine, largely mouse-based in the usual left click to do stuff and skip dialog, double-click to run, right click to look at stuff fashion. there's some keyboard functionality as well, the inventory is on the top of the screen, there's a map for fast travel, you keep notes about current goings-on and things to do, and the intercom can be used to call people. text appears immediately and without any annoying noises, as it should, and there are multiple hotspot indicators.

the game says f1-f5 are for help/hints, but I figured it'd be more like a built-in walkthrough or hints on what to do, maybe more and more helpful or something. 5 keys for it seemed like overkill (and it is), but only tried them after finishing the game. turns out, they are for items to pick up, stuff to interact with, characters to talk to, exits and even collectibles. would've saved me from a lot of unnecessary and annoying pixel-hunting, though I'd still prefer a single button for all of them. since collectibles are optional and purposefully hidden, not showing them wouldn't even be an issue (don't care about them anyway, though the fixing of signs and stuff is a pretty neat idea implemented well and there aren't many of them).

good pixel art and audio, separate volume settings, a few languages and an autosave toggle for regular autosaves with a not exactly discreet pop-up saying so. wouldn't mind if it was just an icon or 'saving...', but manual saving anytime is possible over 11 slots as well. you can name them and they show the date and time by default.

it's okay overall, nothing especially memorable, though obviously a great effort from a small team, and some might even be wowed or moderately impressed by the story (kinda hard with so many forgettable characters). it takes about 4-5 hours and there are a couple of choices, one meaningless, the other influences the 3 endings somewhat. since it didn't manage to hook me completely, I'd say wait for a decent sale for your next cyberpunk fix. and don't panic if you don't see the load option after finishing the game, saves aren't gone, it's just a bug and restarting will let you load them.
948 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
488 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.21 00:05
Worth it if you like cyberpunk and point&click adventures. I wish it was a bit longer though.
1114 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
143 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.11.21 00:45
The Sundew nails all the important parts of a good classic point&click adventure game.
An engaging story, interesting characters, nice artwork, a workable game interface that doesn't get in the way, a great soundtrack and a game world with a lot of potential.

That being said, the game does have some weak moments. It's relatively short (maybe ~4-6 hours to get most endings?), and there are a some areas that require pixel hunting. I also remember needing to find one particular item that is crucial for progress, but without any logical connection to the circumstances. I suppose this wouldn't bother players who mindlessly pick up all items they can carry anyway, but I prefer to have an actual reason to do so. Especially if certain items are somewhat hard to miss.

I'd recommend this with a 3/5 or maybe a 4/5 if you have a particular craving for cyberpunk point&click games.
Definitely a developer to watch - I'll be looking forward to a sequel!
52 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
821 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.11.21 17:53
Lovely art and an engaging story. I didn't want it to end so soon. :) I think the only thing missing for me would be some more ambient music throughout the game.
5489 Produkte im Account
143 Reviews
228 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.11.21 18:08
Not quite Lucas Arts quality but it's a good game. A little short for my taste but maybe we'll get a sequel.
Puzzle are most of the time logical and the story is nice though unfinished and some characters/arcs are left undeveloped properly.
157 Produkte im Account
44 Reviews
245 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.10.21 13:14
Wonderful and amazing point'n'click ! Everything is there : cyberpunk city, easter eggs, a strong heroine, the fight for the truth, sassy jokes & references... Above all, clever puzzles which don't require silly logic on the contrary of lots of games of the genre.
The game has definitely potential . It is about 4 hours (looked only twice to the walkthrough), the story could have been way more developed without being dull.

For reference, I'm a sucker for cyberpunk atmosphere and pixelised point'n'click (Wadget Eye is da best). The Sundew has clearly the top level quality needed to be a instant classic :)

Most of all, I am pleased to see such a good game coming from a fellow citizen from the North of France!
I would be delighted to support any future game from the dev. She is a beast : doing almost everything all alone is definitely amazing. Arigato for this awesome game!

Agnès, vous jouez clairement dans la cour des grands. C'est un plaisir de voir que vous faites honneur à la scène vidéolique francaise. Découvrir votre univers a été une joie et je n'en demande que plus :D
135 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
408 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.10.21 10:07
Amazing game! As with many point-and-clicks, sometimes it's the most unlikely solution that works, but still a wonderfully made game with a great story - only wish it was longer!
126 Produkte im Account
91 Reviews
260 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.10.21 20:54

Passion is a double-edged sword.

Full review: https://www.keengamer.com/articles/reviews/pc-reviews/the-sundew-review-futuristic-retro-or-not-pc/

On one hand, you have a spirited, ambitious attempt to create the next sweeping epic the likes people can latch onto and discuss for years to come. On the other, you have a relatively short game that does not afford the story time to develop to get to that emotional boiling point. While a pretty solid Point & Click adventure with intuitive puzzles and a neat I Spy side-hunt, The Sundew will always be marred by its own insistence with telling a five-hour story in two hours. I appreciate the attempt; it just didn't land as intended.

+ Puzzles are consistently logical and only occasionally odd
+ Completely effective in showcasing a retro Point & Click
+ Finding Space Invaders aliens is fun

- Story is too large in scope for the short runtime
- Characters are generally underwhelming
- A few puzzles have very unclear instructions
83 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
448 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.10.21 18:39
I enjoyed The Sundew. The artwork and the mood are great and I did not face any problems with the puzzles. I would definitely like a sequel to this with a more in-depth presentation of the world and the characters.
75 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
348 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.10.21 12:39
I really enjoyed this game. I had been looking forward to playing it for quite some time since I saw the trailer a few months ago. It has a great look and feel to everything, and it was a really cool world to explore.

The puzzles in general were solid, though I will say some were quite annoying and required some overly specific solutions which made them at times frustrating, but which adventure game don't have their share of have those? The hint system was perfectly done though. The few times I needed it, it didn't over share information, so was ideally balanced.

I will say that I feel like I only scratched the surface with this game though. Such an interesting character, job, city and story. I definitely wanted more, so I really hope that we can get a Sundew part 2, or just another adventure with Anna Isobe that is longer and with more depth, because I think there is so much more to explore here. She's a really fascinating protagonist and what's not to love about being in a cyberpunk future Japan?

Amazing that the majority of this game was made by a one person team. An incredible effort that I really enjoyed my time with. Definitely reccommended.
537 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
272 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.10.21 04:03
I'm hitting thumbs up for the great artwork and for the things the game attempts -- it has a bunch of issues though: Weird and picky puzzle triggers (eg, leave a location and come back), some very barebones characters and writing throughout (but then other stuff is weirdly detailed), and some translation issues... These all gave it some artificial difficulty and gives the whole game a surreal haze.

I did think the strange choices on where to put details, unexplained events, and the quirky puzzles gave the game a lot of personality though. It reminded me of the early 90s French adventure games, and helped form some weird mental bond with the dev -- so even if it was somewhat bewildering, I enjoyed it.
15 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
330 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.10.21 07:40
It's a lovely little point'n'click game, I like pixel art point'n'click games and this one made me travel a bit in some kind of retro-future! You feel really well immersed in the atmosphere, thanks to the graphics and the narration, thanks for your work!!
Logo for The Sundew
Rating auf Steam Positiv
96.15% 25 1
Release:14.10.2021 Genre: Adventure Entwickler: 2054 Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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