This is Agnès, founder and only developer at games studio 2054.
The Sundew just launched and I feel very happy about the support many of you have given my game. Knowing lots are out there playing in the world of The Sundew is nerve-wracking, exciting, humbling, and fills me with joy.
Let me share some of my favourite commentary I’ve read from games media:
“The Sundew looks fantastic. It's dark, wet, and a bit of a downer but in a beautiful way. You want to stand in Anna's apartment and stick your hand out of the window to catch the falling raindrops.”
Rock Paper Shotgun
“This pixel-based point-and-click adventure still had me hooked to the end. All the more remarkable for being a solo effort, The Sundew is a real treat for adventure fans, cyberpunk aficionados or anyone who’s sick of being a chirpy chosen one.”
“The Sundew is an unrivalled modernisation of the point-and-click genre. It’s stunning, engaging – and best of all, feels like it might just usher in a subgenre renaissance.”
That Film Blog
I bet you can imagine how I felt when reading these. <3
Many comments from players have also been very uplifting! If you play the game and enjoy it, I’d like to ask you to please leave a review here on Steam. Reviews go a long way in getting Steam to recommend The Sundew to more people who might like it, so I’d appreciate it if you can do that and keep the fire on indie adventure games!

Poster artwork by Lammakian Samsenesena
If you have any comments or problems at all with the game, please leave your feedback or questions in the Steam Community Hub. I’ll be monitoring those and helping everyone who needs it as best as I can. I’m already working on some small tweaks based on feedback by you.
You can always reach out to me there or via social media (linked below) and ask any questions, but I’ll also be doing a Reddit AMA on r/Games about my journey as a solo developer! This is happening on Tuesday October 19th at 7AM PT / 4PM CET. If you’re a Redditor, come by and ask away!
I hope you keep having fun and let me know what you think of Anna’s journey in Shibukawa.
All the best,
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