Why is this important to me?
It's important for me to talk about women, about all that they bring to society and all that remains to be done to ensure that their work is better recognized or, for the worst-off among them, about all that remains to be done to ensure that they are treated more humanely. Because I do not forget that I'm very lucky - despite the difficulties - of being born in a country where I can work like a man and be free of my choices and my movements, while in other countries women have to fight to... barely exist.
And the vision we have of women is also conveyed by the cultural products created and consumed. This is why I chose to create as many female characters as male characters in The Sundew. In this game, women have varied and interesting roles. Just like in real life!
The women in The Sundew
You'll play Anna, our favourite cyber policewoman, but you will also meet Donna, the computer scientist, Arabella, the boss, Karin, the forensic scientist, Nao, another cyborg, Yoko, a charming little girl... and each of them will have something to tell you! Except maybe Arabella, because she is not in a very good mood these days.
The women working to make this game coming to life!
Otherwise, as far as the game design is concerned, I'm an IT programmer and graphic designer myself, and I work with quite a few women. Providers, coaches, experts, and so on. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Houria Saoudi, coach at Plaine Images, Charlène Lebrun, who is in charge of press relations, Kallie Celeste, the translator of the texts, my mother, without whom I would not have done all that I have done, and all the others whom I cannot unfortunately mention but whom I am very pleased to work with.
And also...
Of course, this does not put men aside. Let's just not forget to open our eyes to all those around us, and to consider them in all humility.
Good Women's Day to all of you :)
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