Challenge accepted!
Dear Scapers, we’re on board!
Today the Autumn Sale starts with a fancy game festival (discounts!!) - but that’s not all: The yearly voting for the Steam Awards 2023 was kicked off, too. We followed its call and are gonna take part. We hope you do, too!
TerraScape has been evolving so much during the last 7 months of Early Access. With adding the multiplayer we have raised the game from a typical city puzzle to new and previously unknown heights. We added a vast amount of puzzles and constructed so many more buildings and Merged Buildings to expand your kingdom with. Additionally the game now offers a lot more quality of life features that will let you enjoy the game even more while leaning back and relaxing. But the end is NOT near! If only we could tell you what else will be coming… But psst, we don’t want to spoil it for you, this is still a secret - stay tuned for what our little team will do with these small floating islands!
Now the time has come to ask you, if you enjoy TerraScape. Maybe it has even captured your heart, made you spend evening after evening chasing new highscores or watching your kingdom grow? Did we hit the spot? If yes, please let us know and give us your vote for the ‘Sit back and relax’- Award or whatever category would fit best for you.
We’re really grateful and want to say a big thank you! We would be happy to see you with us on this journey!
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