News Liste Taxi Simulator

Your Expectations
Taxi Simulator
01.11.24 02:44 Community Announcements

Guys, at some point, there will probably be a Q&A cycle where we report on what we broke, what we removed, what worked, and what still might work. But today’s plan is a little different. Since the game is in its early stages, we can still take the time to consider. Consider what might go sideways and what we should be thinking through. Let's call this the first phase of the project—the first of three. This is the phase where we can still design and test solutions. Once we enter the second phase, the core decisions from the first phase will generally be locked in and won't be up for changes.

To put it plainly: now’s the best time to throw in your feedback, because with each day, the chance to act on it gets slimmer. We’ve got a table tracking all your suggestions, and we’re taking every little note into account. Huge thanks for the solid batch of feedback you left under the last devlog—keep it coming.

You know how it is: sometimes your suggestions take the game in totally different directions. In the end, the call is up to Asmodev, but it’s always better to do some proper research. And there’s no better research than what’s in your comments here. Lol, getting a bit sentimental, but screw it. Say whatever you want; we’ll keep making the game.

Have a dreadful Halloween.
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