News Liste Taxi Simulator

Devlog #14
Taxi Simulator
09.04.21 15:46 Community Announcements

Hello Taxi drivers ????

We come to you with a small (okay, not so small!) Update about Taxi Simulator. Today we will show you more screens from Manhattan and tell you a bit about what's next with the project...

Let’s begin!

1. Graphics

As you can see Manhattan is growing. We have added more streets that are slowly filling up with traffic. It will sound immodest, but every time we look at these graphics, we cannot stop admiring the details :P


Many people associate BULL more with Chicago than with New York - oh those sports teams :P Meanwhile, this charging bull has been standing bravely for several decades before the New York Stock Exchange. Not only is it huge, it has also become the mascot of professional stockbrokers. Legend has it that anyone who touches his genitals will be rich - so if you're in New York - don't be embarrassed ????

3. Gameplay

We have already added most of the mechanics to the game. And we started internal tests ???? As it turned out, it is quite good, but not flawless :D Interesting facts - we show you how we work on the visual aspect of the city, the main streets are simply beautiful, meanwhile... we forgot about the alleys and side roads. Anyway, see on the screenshots below how it looked at the very beginning, and now after some minor changes :P We also left a few plots for decorations - fountains, benches. Don't worry, we'll fill the empty spaces for sure :P

4. What's next?

We have started work on additional mechanics, which also include interactions with other NPC. What happens when we collide with another car? Or what if we're not very nice to the passenger? We will tell you about it next time ????

We hope that we have satisfied your curiosity at least for a while ???? We are still working on Taxi Simulator, so do not be afraid that we will abandon the project - we want to give you a game that will bring a lot of satisfaction to everyone ????

Remember that we are still waiting for you on our discord ⬇️⬇️⬇️

Read you soon!
Taxi Drivers from Woodland Games Team

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