Dear Mechanics,
Welcome to our one hundred thirteen development status update.
To start with, apologies for being out of touch for so long with development status. Without wishing to beat around the bush, 2023 was a tough year for us. We were forced to reduce the number of people employed in the company in order to start getting back on track. In the meantime, we have been working hard in parallel on our second game, which, as a reminder, some of our community may not yet know or be aware of - the game is called Tank Squad.
This is not our excuse, no less we have imposed on ourselves a considerable chunk of bread to do, and we do not want to let you down. That is why we have some, we think, positive news. No less, time will verify and show.
We've been rolling out the promised Roadmap stages for a couple of weeks now. We have now put something on the agenda that I think most people are waiting for* - a little joke, we know what a large number of players are waiting for, about it a paragraph below ;) That is, issues related to the number of museum slots as well as further performance improvements. This stage is called - Extended Museum
We are at the stage of designing and prototyping new gameplay, e.g. constructing museum rooms from presets as well as manually inserting and editing e.g. walls, floors, decorative elements, i.e. parts from tanks, posters, stands using a tool in hand. Michal "WinteR5" is designing the UI issues to start with.
Ultimately, it will be an in-game editor that allows you to create your own museum, which may have one room or more rooms, e.g. for 2 tanks or 5 vehicles. In the next dev status we will show the progress on this gameplay element.
It is high time to move officially on the subject of a TMS port on consoles. We have not spoken for a long time, or have answered in an evasive manner. This was intentional, as some of you may already know or have guessed what this is all about. Anyway, we will try to explain it to you.
We decided together, Robert and Michał, that it was worth trying to take matters into our own hands. To make our own port, of our game, with our own hands. For the last few weeks or even months we have been preparing the ground, i.e. the technical background, in order to get down to it.
The result is that we already have special versions of consoles in the office - so-called dev kits for PS4 and PS5. Yes, we'll do the PS4 to start with, then the PS5, then we'll move on to Xbox consoles. As you read this we hear your reactions, rest assured. We're not going to do everything at once ???? We have to start somewhere... ????
To recap, keep your fingers crossed, we are asking for support and trust for the umpteenth time. 2024 promises to be an interesting year.
Patch 1.5.5
- Christmas event (all events still can be activated manually in game options)
Thanks for all the support and have a good weekend.