Dear mechanics!
Update 1.5.3 is up!
UPDATE 1.5.3
- Option to build tanks through crafting menu
- Incorrect Tiger 213 name in tank shop
- [M4A3E8V2] Incorrect position for suspension arm pin elements - now are correct
- [M4 Mid][T34 Caliope] Shell rack dedicated for HE missiles is too big - now is scaled correctly
- [M4A3E2 Jumbo] No longer the Gudgeon pin B appear in the shop as gudgeon pin A
- T34 Calliope problematic position of bolts for air exhaust elements
- Panzer IVG Engine Ignition wires dependancy change, it had dependency outside engine module and caused confusion.
- Use Legacy Tank Marks option now correctly updates the value of the text in game settings [modified] Disabled Halloween update
Thanks and have a good one!