Hohoho, mechanics!
Just like last year, we have prepared another Christmas update for you with a small gift! Launch the game and complete a Christmas contract to receive the Maus and an achievement!
Christmas event will last till 5th January 2023!

For the full list of changes please find the attached change log below:
Christmas Update 1.3.13
- Christmas event
- A setting option to turn off the Christmas event in options
- Adjustable scale for museum collectables (with keys "N" and "M" when interacting with them in the museum)
- Rare situations when extraction gives NULL's errors
- It's impossible to place the decals properly on few tanks
- M18 Hellcat - One road wheel element does not have any dependencies
- Fixed an error that could spawn MG for missing part on extractions
- Game freezes after attempt to sell the vehicle while having a crew slot taken
- MG-34 A guns do not remain in props menu after picking them up during extractions
- Pressing "ESC" after changing a setting causes it to change in the settings UI, but not in-game
- Incorrect messages and effects after excavating two objects simultaneously
- Tiger I - Missing "Tow rope" in the shop
- IS-2 - Fan A and Camshaft drives were not animated
- M26 Pershing - Both idler wheels were not spinning in Test drive nor Proving grounds
- M20 - Sixth cylinder is not moving after turning on the engine
- M18 Hellcat - The second to last road wheel on the right does not factor into assembly order
- Some objects are in the air on Extraction1 and Extraction8
- Slider for music volume in settings did not work correctly
- M18 Hellcat - It was impossible to install Piston Rod A when crafted or bought directly from the shop
- Game will no longer add physics to mounted MGs on extraction
- Adjusted cleaning radius of Little Willie, Maus and TigerIIH at extraction missions
Steam Winter Sale 2022
Together with the Christmas update, we have prepared a discount for the Steam Winter Sale!
To celebrate this special occasion we have for you a discount on:
- Tank Mechanic Simulator (-70%)
- and DLC - First Supply (-30%)

Thanks for all the support and Merry Christmas!