News Liste SPECTRE

First patch of the year!
02.01.25 02:38 Community Announcements
Gameplay & Mechanics

* Mines Rework:
* Detection: Now uses a box trace instead of a sphere trace.
* Damage: Detects hits on different body parts, with damage accumulating based on the number of parts hit.
* Base Damage: 100 -> 25 (Requires hits on 4 of 8 body parts at close range for a kill).
* Damage Radius: 4 meters -> 8 meters.
* Minimum Damage: 10.
* Damage Falloff: Linear falloff with distance (0 damage at 8 meters, minimum 10 damage).

* Reflex Learning:
* Passively reloads the stowed weapon.
* Reload Amount: 1 bullet per second.

* Lazer Dot (We spell laser with a z sometimes because it's cool)
* Toggles on/off based on player state (QOL improvement).
* Gun animation kick reduced by 75% when using the Lazer Dot (visual improvement; recoil multiplier remains 0.25).
* Accuracy: Now completely accurate (may be reverted).
* Visibility: No longer visible through walls to other players.
* Ballpoint: Visible to other players.
* Ballpoint Scaling: Size scales with distance.

* Mimic & Cloak:
* Mimic: Grants immunity to cameras and detection lasers.
* Cloak: Grants immunity to cameras (but not detection lasers).

* Vision Modes
* Fixed a bug where dying with vision modes active would cause them to persist indefinitely.

* Hacking:
* Fixed multiple bugs preventing re-hacking of hacked objectives.
* Fixed a bug where the hacking objective percentage UI would get stuck.
* Hacking now cancels upon movement, no longer requiring interaction.

* Spectre:
* Added "WallRun" keybind (functions as before: hold and run into a wall).
* Shoulder Swap: Can now swap shoulders while crouching.
* Default Shoulder Swap Keys: Alt + Q and Alt + R (previously Q and E).

* Reaper:
* Added Reaper spawn system.
* If "UseGadget" button is different from "Fire" button, pressing "Fire" will exit gadget mode and fire the weapon.

Weapon Balancing

* Shotgun:
* Pellet Damage: 10 -> 20.
* Headshot Multiplier: 5 -> 6.

* AR:
* Bullet Damage: 12 -> 20.
* Minimum Possible Damage: 5 -> 7.5.
* Minimum Possible Headshot Damage: 30 -> 35.
* Damage Reduction per Meter: 0.2 -> 0.15.
* Distance until headshot damage reduction activates (clarify this point in future notes).

* SMG:
* Bullet Damage: 15 -> 20.
* Headshot Damage: 20 -> 25.
* Minimum Possible Damage: 3 -> 5.
* Minimum Possible Headshot Damage: 7 -> 15.
* Damage Reduction per Meter: 0.6 -> 0.8.
* Headshot Damage Reduction Per Meter: 1.0 (Unchanged).

* Reaper Grenade:
* Base Explosion Damage: 100 -> 150.
* Minimum Explosion Damage: 10 (Unchanged).
* Explosion Radius: 8 -> 16 meters.
* Detonation Time: 5 -> 3.5 seconds.

UI/UX & Quality of Life

* Loadouts:
* Fixed a bug causing weapon mods to be continuously deleted while still showing as selected.
* Fixed a crash when selecting too many gadgets.
* Loadout Selection Logic: Now attempts to load in this order: Last Used -> Loadout 1 -> Loadout 2 -> Loadout 3 -> Default.

* Reticle:
* Reticle color preview added to loadout.
* Reticle settings are now saved.
* Improved Reticle section UI in the Reaper loadout.
* Reticle/Lazer color can now be updated and saved even without the weapon selected.
* Other QOL improvements to reticle and color changes.

* Lazer Dot: Fixed a bug causing two lazers to appear.
* Mines: Fixed a bug where only the server could see and hear planted mines.
* Loading Screen: Added loading screen.
* Death UI: Overhauled Death UI.

* Input Settings:
* Menu button now has a mandatory binding.
* Fixed a bug where some input settings weren't displaying.
* Resetting Reaper/Spectre input settings now maintains alphabetical order.

* Other:
* Updated description of Reflex Learning Condition.
Logo for SPECTRE
Release:24.07.2023 Genre: Actionspiel Entwickler: Symbiosis Games Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
Einzelspieler Mehrspieler Koop

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