A lot of hard work has been going into the development of ShockRods since it was last seen in public back in April. We have talked about some of the features we have added in our previous posts and now is the time to highlight our latest environment - 'Snow Fall'!

Many of you who played the ShockRods beta(s) will notice this looks and sounds similar to Cliff Fall (which has now been re-named Dam). This is no mere coincidence as the Snow Fall environment was designed with the thought process that it exists along the same stretch of rock terrain as Dam. We want players to feel these environments are in close proximity to each other, yet take place in different seasons.

Everything you know and love from Dam has made a return in Snow Fall - from the narrow meandering tracks that cut through the rocky terrain, to the vertical vehicle movement allows you to navigate the 3D space by jumping and boosting and the fast and frantic pace of chasing down the enemy flag carrier. Just like Dam, Snow Fall was designed with Capture the Flag in mind. The seek and destroy gameplay from Dam was very well received in the beta tests. Players loved the chase through the winding desire paths of the environment, where one wrong step by either the flag carrier or the defenders resulted with the tempo pivoting on a knife edge.

But don’t worry, this is not a carbon copy of Dam with a new texture. The layout is entirely different and features delightful theming that ties it all together - you will see a lot of industrial and mining equipment scattered throughout. Snow Fall and the Western environments are the 2 environments that have a real lived-in charm. You will notice with Snow Fall that you get a real sense of the industry that was once here and get to feel the dilapidation and disrepair of an industry that has moved on.

We can’t wait to see the community reaction to this map when ShockRods Releases later this year!
That covers everything for now. We will be sending you more information on how ShockRods is evolving and some of the new and exciting features we have lined up. In the meantime, keep up to date with the latest ShockRods news on Discord https://discordapp.com/invite/shockrods and don't forget to add ShockRods to your wishlist on Steam!
See you soon...