Hi there ShockRodders! It’s high time we let you know the latest developments in our plans for ShockRods; its ongoing development and release plans. A lot has been going on, which amounts to far more than just a new lick of paint (although that’s part of it!)…
The BIG news in this update is that ShockRods is now set for full release on Steam, in Q3! That’s right, the game will be coming in fully-fledged final form! And these are the highlights we’d like to share now, some of which coming as a direct result of feedback from our Beta tests:
Steam Friends Lobby System
One of the most requested features from BETA 2.0, there will be a lobby system that allows you to join as a group and enter a match as a group (rather than being randomly assigned to teams). We listened to your wish, and it was granted!
New Maps and Game Modes
We do not want to give away too much in regards to specifics on this just yet, but we will be adding to the game modes and maps available, giving even more variety to the fun you can have in a ShockRod! Stay tuned to receive further announcements regarding this very soon!
More ShockRods and More Customisation
The variety of ShockRod designs is expanding fast, and along with the new vehicles comes the opportunity to customise them with even more patterns, effects and paint styles (see – told you this was one of the things!). So you will be able to truly put your mark on your ShocksRod and let it reflect your own unique sense of style!
This has always been a priority for ShockRods. As far as possible we wanted older and slower hardware to be able to run the game well, and so we’re constantly striving for performance improvements across the board. This work continues, and every week we are making gains that will allow the game to run smoothly on an ever wider range of hardware.
Keep up to date with the latest ShockRods news on Discord https://discordapp.com/invite/shockrods and add ShockRods to your wishlist on Steam! https://store.steampowered.com/app/647640/ShockRods/
We look forward to seeing you in the arena very soon!
The ShockRods team!