We are back with more exciting news, regarding a yet unseen ShockRods environment! Without further delay, we present to you the Western map, which has recently received a massive facelift.

During early development a level was built using a “Western” theme – it looked like an old-fashioned US town out in the desert, semi-abandoned. This level was constructed quickly and was largely flat, with the town in its centre. It looked pretty cool, and proved useful for testing various aspects of the game.
It became apparent in the latter part of development that this level lacked the 3D interest we’d identified as important to ShockRods levels, and tactical play was hampered by the player being able to see the entire map from most places. So, the map has been rebuilt, to retain the essence of the original level’s setting while introducing more interest, with varied routes and navigational options.

The idea behind this level is that our poor town in the sun-drenched desert sat directly on a fault line, and has been the victim of a devastating series of earthquakes, leaving the town in a state of wrecked abandon. Buildings have been buckled and broken, left to hang from precipitous rocky outcrops or cower under their looming shadows.

It’s the perfect location for your ShockRod to meet other ShockRods, for some crazy ShockRods shenanigans under the sun!
Stay tuned for another exciting announcement very soon!