Here is the second part of the Q&A answers:
Will there be a militia you can create to defend the village?
We plan to include basic companions (guards engaging attacking enemies) in the upcoming Village Raids feature.
Will you add a higher cap for storage?
Yes, we plan to increase the max stack size of items in storage.
Why are there decimals in the currency?
From the game design point of view, decimals give us a chance to better balance prices. If the cheapest items, such as grass, cost 1 coin, all prices have to scale up, causing an unpleasant feeling of inflation. From the narrative point of view – during the Sengoku period coins were not used for their nominal value, as it was too easy to cheat. Merchants weighed coins to determine their value and were frequently splitting them into pieces to achieve perfect balance.
Will there be more armor sets?
Yes, we are currently working on a new armor set.
Will climate and weather affect the villagers and players? Will we get negative effects from being careless (diseases etc.)?
Yes, we are currently working on implementing status effects related to weather and other environmental factors. Players will have to counteract them by, for example, wearing warm clothes or setting up a campfire.
Can you adopt a child as heir?
The upcoming update will expand on the existing family quest system, allowing you to pass your dynasty to your heir and continue playing the game as a new character. We do not plan to add adoption as an alternative way of becoming a parent.
Will the skill/legend system be resettable?
In the upcoming update when you pass your dynasty on to your heir you will reset all your character’s individual perks, while keeping starting background perks, allowing you to progress again with some head start. The legend progression represents the development of the whole Nata Valley and therefore will not get reset when your character passes.
When will Sengoku come to consoles? Can we play co-op there, too?
Sengoku Dynasty will be available on consoles in 2025 along with the co-op mode and cross-platform play.
Can we build bridges on our own?
We are looking into the possibility of player-built bridges. It may be added to the upcoming updates.
Part 1