Attention Officers,
Welcome to the 79th edition of our Ready or Not Development Briefing, October 25th, 2024!
This week we’ll be covering the short-term delay of DLC #2 along with a visual preview of the new levels and some features that will be included with its release.
DLC #2 is now expected to release during the Winter time frame instead of Autumn.
The timeline shift for DLC #1 ultimately ended up affecting DLC #2’s timeline, an effect which was amplified by the number of features we are aiming to include in the DLC #2 release.
In this dev briefing we're showing 3 previously unannounced DLC #2 levels, and feature prototypes that are continuations (with a few bonuses!) from the Vol. 78 dev briefing: Suspect Squad Behavior, Suspect Loadouts, SWAT Visual Identification, improvements allowing multiple headgear/facewear gear to be worn at once, and updated NVG overlays.
Note: These development briefings serve to keep you in the loop about parts of our ongoing support for Ready or Not, however the briefings do not encompass everything that we’re working on at a given moment. Please keep in mind that the content in our development briefings may still be a work in progress and subject to change.
Updated DLC #2 Release Time Frame
Fortunately, many of the DLC 2 features are already well under their way in implementation. There is an additional demand on Quality Assurance and feature implementation into the new levels that is accounted for as well.
Speaking of which, our 3 new levels for DLC2 are progressing well but still need more time in the oven. ‘Blockout’ versions of the levels were playtested and iterated upon over the past months, with each level now entering its final stages of art pass inclusions.
Features and weapons meanwhile are mostly undergoing their animation stages, with core programming already largely complete and features exiting prototype stages.
Akin to DLC #1, all of the new weapons and many of the features in DLC #2 will be accessible to all players regardless of DLC ownership (because some features could be level-dependent). Playing the new DLC #2 missions in multiplayer is free as long as the host owns the DLC. An exclusive cosmetic outfit set will be included for DLC owners, like before-- and this one will have a very specific theme.
DLC #2 Levels Preview
Without giving away too much yet, here’s a peak at the 3 new missions coming in DLC 2:
Mission 1
(Image below: An oil rig looms in an overcast sky)

Mission 2
(Image below: A once-manicured tropical paradise now lost— overgrown)

Mission 3
(Image below: A buffet awaits within a luxurious lounge)

DLC #2 Features Sample Preview
Here's an exciting sample of the features that are planned to be included with DLC #2! Some other features we will wait to disclose closer to release.
GPNVGs/NVGs Overlay Improvements
The GPNVGs (a.k.a. ‘quad nods’ or quad tube nightvision goggles) and binocular NVGs in-game will now have an improved first-person overlay. The GPNVG change is complete with an increased real-world FOV and a dynamic imitation of how the images between each peripheral tube would be digitally stitched together, with slight distortion.
The dark vignetted tube outline now shifts according to your movements, resembling the NVGs hanging out in front of your character’s eyes. Simultaneously, your camera’s view is slightly adjusted forward and FOV tightened to represent the perspective out of the NVG tubes.
Can’t aim as well without canting your weapon anymore― a substantial touch to these visual changes is the added blurring to nearby obstacles and your weapon’s optics/ironsights while NVGs are enabled. NVG-compatible holosight optics like the Holosight EXPS3 will help you mitigate this though!
(Video Below: The new GPNVG and binocular NVG overlay)
Headgear Changes
We have altered the system for how headgear and facewear to improve the versatility of gameplay choices. For example, you will be able to equip NVGs and a gas mask at the same time, or even combine helmet + NVGs + flash goggles + ballistic mask.
(Video below: Headgear system changes)
Suspect Loadouts
The video below shows some of the new suspect loadout behaviors: Usage of flashlight attachments and switching to secondary weapon at will. Not shown, but in implementation, is switching to melee and addition of weapon optics.
(The weapon the suspect is using is a dev test weapon, so the magazine is missing and some animations may not be normal)
(Video below: Suspect loadout feature showing flashlight usage and switching to a holstered secondary weapon at will)
SWAT Team Identification
For those of you who enjoy ultra-realism or cinematic playstyles with HUD elements turned off, the addition of glowing nameplates on officers’ backs will be a welcome quality of life improvement.
(Image below: A line of officers with nameplates on the back of their plate carriers)

Suspect Squad Behavior
Below is a preview of the suspect squad behaviors for DLC #2, "rallying" and "regrouping." Rallying is used as an offensive measure, while regrouping is used to retreat from danger.
(GIF Below: Suspect rally behavior preview, showing suspects rally toward an ally in need of backup)

(GIF Below: Suspect regroup behavior preview, showing a suspect retreating to find another ally)

Hesitation Animation Variations
(Video below: A compilation of some of the new, more subtle and slow hesitation animations that we are implementing into gameplay)
With Winter as our new time frame goal for DLC #2, we are working across the team to deliver the best update to you that we can.
Thank you all for the incredible game feedback that you provided in our recent Community Sentiment Survey! We're poring over the data for internal use in the coming week.
Last but not least, Steam has moved a major sale for games, including RoN to next week with the Scream Fest. If you want to get the game or some new friends onboarded, that will be the time! There was some temporary mix up that caused the sale on other games and ours to launch this week. It was not intended to be a trick, but hopefully it served as a treat!
This concludes our 79th development briefing, thank you for joining us. Be sure to fall in next time for more development news!

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