News Liste Puzzle Pirates

A Frozen Pirate Carol!
Puzzle Pirates
21.12.16 20:34 Community Announcements

The brigands 'n barbarians have frost in thar soul this season. Ye ghosts of holidays past, present and future must “encourage” thar holiday cheer whilst pillagin' the seas. Defeatin' these scrooge-ish brigands 'n barbarians will surely bring some piratey cheer back to our oceans.

From now until the 2nd of January, ye pirates have been turned into a ghost o' holidays past, present or future! Load up a ship 'n take to the seas, earnin' points fer yer team fer every piece o' eight ye wrest from the hands of the miserly brigands!

A Box of Frozen Cheer!

The arctic wind is starting to howl across the sea. Pirates are eager to hide from the freezing temperatures and enjoy some carousin’ indoors with a mug of hot buttered rum in their hand.

Yer expecting an entire crew full of pirates to descend on yer cabin to wile away the winter hours. It’s entirely possible that ye’ll be trapped together if the storms don’t let up. Don’t worry, we’ve got ye covered with our Blizzard Box.

Roast some chestnuts with help from an Ice Dragon Familiar fer yer crewmates to snack on. Entertain them with a panda that ye’ve managed to convince to wear a bandana. If they get scared by the icy wind, we have yeti dolls fer them to snuggle. If pirates aren’t mingling, these chilly boxes include frozen furniture to help encourage them to vacate their seat. Ye may even find some holiday favors or trinkets ye can give yer mates as parting gifts!

Boxes are available until 3:00 PM PDT on January 2nd, 2017. You'll receive a free Blizzard Box for every $9.99 you spend on doubloons, or every month of subscription time you purchase!

For more information about the full contents of the Blizzard Box, as well as the official rules, please click here.