News Liste Puzzle Pirates

We've Booched!
Puzzle Pirates
19.08.16 17:35 Community Announcements

They’ve done it again! Pesky, rumsick monkeys have run amuck with this box, resultin' in color combinations that nature ne'er intended! Monkeys, Spiders, Pets, 'n more can be found in random seasonal colors.

Even more alarmin', we’ve spotted a strange new creature rolling around eyin' the sugarcane suspiciously. While adorable, this unpredictable creature is prone to lurin' in unsuspectin' greenies who just want to pet it’s head. It's Panda-monium!

From now until 3:00 PM PDT on August 29th, 2016 you'll receive a free Booch Box for every $9.99 you spend on doubloons, or every month of subscription time you purchase!

For more information about the full contents of the Booch Box, as well as the official rules, please click here.