News Liste Puzzle Pirates

The Sloop is on Fire!
Puzzle Pirates
01.03.16 15:45 Community Announcements
Old Lefty has been spending a lot of time in the Explorers' Hall, talkin' to anyone who will listen. He has a fanciful theory that a pirate could, theoretically, sail to the center of the planet. He's challenging other brave explorers to join him in his endeavor to find the passage. Ye'll want to gather supplies, and load them onto this month's limited edition ship!

The Torrid Class Sloop is hot, hot, hot! It has a distinctive decorative theme and is constructed to make the perilous journey through water and fire. The bow is designed to allow the ship to break through any obstacles ye may encounter on yer explorations. Ye'll also be glad to have deluxe engines and specially designed bilge pumps for the treacherous conditions!

Visit yer local shipyard to today. The Torrid Class Ship is only available through March 31, 2016.