News Liste Puzzle Pirates

Those Greedy Brigands
Puzzle Pirates
28.09.16 21:41 Community Announcements

Avast, mates!

Greedy brigands 'n barbarians who 'ave selfishly hoarded bits o' booty fer themselves 'ave infiltrated the oceans. Ye might spy some durin' the melee phase o' sea battle while out on a pillage. Ye’ll recognize the blaggards by thar extravagant jewelry they can’t resist showin' off, such as gold eyepatches 'n flashy necklaces.

They 'ave one fatal flaw: each greedy brigand 'n barbarian has a weakness against one color. Target thar weakness 'n plunder some o' thar Lavish Lockers filled wit' Pieces of Eight, along with exclusive new items, silver chromas, and rare creatures to call yer own.

Learn more about these dastardly foes and how to plunder thar treasure here