Hello everyone! Hope you are keeping well. So it's been awhile since I last put an update out for you all to see what is going on. Things are moving in the background slowly but surely. I would like to officially announce that the Prospekt team has grown by 2! David, who is an eager and talented young mapper has joined to make some cool levels and gameplay and Dmitry who is a talented programmer to help get some totally new items and mechanics working in the game. Both are in the Prospekt discord if you wish to speak to them.
One of the hardest parts of game development is getting a strong team to work together and I hope that this will be a successful collaboration that can work well to produce some epic and enjoyable content.
Thank you all for your continued support on this project. Prospekt is getting to a better place now, it still needs to improve greatly if its survival is to be confirmed however it looks as of recently that there might be a small light at the end of a long tunnel.
I would really appreciate it if you have played Prospekt and enjoyed it to leave a review as it is really helping the game to survive and grow.
There will be another update soon with much more to come but before more stuff comes out I want it to be in a very good place.
Thank you all once again for your continued support.
All the best.