Hey everyone, Rich here. Well well well... It’s been quite some time since our last update. You’re probably all eager to find out what is to come so let me get you all up to speed. Firstly, big thank you to everyone that is reviewing the game lately as it seems the game is really starting to shift in the right direction even if it has taken 2 years and the decimation of my soul. Were close to 60% now and i'm sure with more updates and support we can get the game even better.
I’ve taken a back seat with Prospekt lately as some of you may know i'm working on my second game Gunsmith which is due for launch very soon. I have chipped in now and then, provided 3D models, design tips and some guidance on getting work more professional. I have to say a massive well done to the guys that are working on Prospekt now as they are improving their skills and craft to make some really top quality work.

We are making progress on the game in all directions, some faster than others. For example, we have the mapping pretty much solid. We can map what we want, when we want, and to a very high standard now. David ( Phenomene ) as some of you may know him as. Has done some brilliant work on improving existing levels and making entirely new ones.
But we know that in order to improve the game we need more than just more maps. Which is why we are focusing on a better narrative ( which includes new and existing characters in the Half-Life universe ) to add to the story. We also know we need new items and experiences ( which includes new weapons and challenges ).

I'm not at liberty to say right now what new characters are coming as it would be a massive spoiler for all of you but I think you will love it when it is finished. Hidden ( our character and weapons 3D modeler ) Is doing a great job at refining one of our main characters and he is shaping up nicely.
One big issue in particular that I have been pondering. How do you update a linear game so that we introduce improvements but not spoil what is to come or change the entire game without other parts being ready to supplement this. It’s a tough one. We do have changes we could push now up to the game. But the effect would be well, meh. What I ideally would like is to have a really large almost 2.0 style update where people want to replay the entire game. If we trickle feed all our improvements this effect I feel will fall flat.
However, I also don’t want you all to be waiting around for a long time with no new content to play so i’m thinking about introducing some extra content via the bonus maps to keep things fun while the wait is on.

It’s a tricky one but we will find a way. I know you have waited a long time for this update so I will confirm a few things so you have something to look forward to. Firstly, the infamous wrench will be making a comeback. This will also be accompanied by the Desert Eagle and a new Shotgun. All of these are working and in game. They are still currently being worked on and I only really want to show them off officially when they are done. I will also confirm the new view model is shaping up nicely. All of these things I need to put some time aside to re-texture in Substance Painter. When you read this Pheno i am sorry I still have not done this please don’t hate me.
I will sign off by thanking you all for being an awesome community, in our Discord especially, and for sticking with the game. I will hopefully be able to focus a bit more on Prospekt after I launch Gunsmith . But unfortunately as many of you understand. I’ve gotta pay the bills and that means launching another game to help me do that.

We are crafting something really enjoyable, however I must say working in Source is becoming ever increasingly labour intensive. We are working with tools and software now with no updates or support for a long time. Therefore things we would like to do sometimes come slow. This mixed with availability makes it hard. But we endure and we progress slowly towards our goal.
Hopefully the next update will be something you can all actually play, rather then just read me waffling on.
All the best.