News Liste Prospekt

July Update!
17.07.17 18:00 Community Announcements
Hello all Rich here, so, i've been watching the comments and the chat for a while observing how things are unfolding over the last few weeks. Its interesting to see what peoples views and attitudes are. I'm going to just say a few home truths here about game design and development and also the continued support for this game. Prospekt is still being worked on and things are in the pipe. The main reason why there hasn't been any news for a while is mainly because of three reasons. Firstly, i've been incredibly sick and had a pretty close shave with my health as of late which put me out of commision for a long time for which I do have to say a massive thank you to the NHS for because honestly I would be dead by now if they were not there to help me free of charge.

Secondly, the team that grew in size, contracted in size and the person who was working on major parts of the next update did not come through for us in the end. Thirdly. We are taking quite a major turn in what we want the game to be. The plan was to first just release updates, put out the soundtrack etc and improve on certain parts of the game. Hope it gets better and then continue with the development. Well that's not really the aim now. We are looking at all aspects of the game design to make it better. The team is now at five. So thats whats happening. I would like to give you dates / goals / milestones but honestly I think that's a bad idea because when/if we don't hit them people are not very understanding.

What I can confirm is that the game is being worked on. Unfortunately due to the lack of sales and traffic it means that I have now had to find alternative means of income. Therefore the time I can spend on this project has dropped. Thats not to say that its stopped because that is completely not the case. In fact the team now is at its largest. I am taking more of a supportive role. Working on new 3D content and game aspects. I am not going to confirm any new changes at this time because that is likely to change and what i dont want to do is say this big feature is getting added, then down the line is removed as i feel that will disappoint a lot of players.

What I can say is there will be more significant content drops. When they are extremely polished, fun and ready. There will be significant gameplay increases and i am very hopeful the game is going in a direction that you’re all going to love.

Can i just ask please that some of you just be patient. Creating content for this type of game is extremely time intensive and is not easy to just push out. When people start arguing or leaving negative reviews that is making it harder for this game to thrive. It would be much better for constructive criticism and support to help this game get better. With the game on a mixed review right now it is almost impossible for any growth. But we will still endeavour for that to happen.

To everyone who has been super supportive and I think you all know who you are. Thank you very much for your continued support it is greatly appreciated.

Speak to you all soon.
