Hello Adventurers!
It’s still hard to believe that after working so many years on Unforetold: Witchstone, the game is finally out on Early Access. It’s been a crazy and difficult but fulfilling journey building this sandbox version of a cRPG from scratch. But our work isn’t done yet and we’ve barely scratched the surface of this playground called Kalsundia. As one of the ways to show our gratitude to all the players supporting Unforetold: Witchstone at the very beginning of its Early Access, we’ve been tirelessly working on hotfix updates for the past few weeks.
We’d like to use this opportunity to once again thank everyone who has either bought the game, sent us feedback, reported a bug, talked to us about their experience, made content about the game, wishlisted it, or simply sent words of encouragement. This support means the world to us and helps us get through the more difficult times.
The Big Update
Since the launch of the Unforetold: Witchstone, our team has been scanning our Discord server, the Steam forums, live streams, YouTube videos, and reviews looking for critical areas of improvement. Your comments help us prioritize what features and bug fixes need to be tackled next. As such, we’re very happy to release the fifth and biggest update to date for Unforetold: Witchstone, which Malik and Phil previewed on a Twitch live stream last Friday.
Travel Events
The untamed frontier world of Kalsundia is dangerous. Now you’ll encounter people, friendly or hostile, or beasts on your travels between townships and dungeons. These encounters are sometimes the consequence of actions you committed earlier and progress your story forward.
Inventory Sorting Options
Hoarders and non-hoarders, rejoice! Players can now sort their inventories in 3 ways:
- By sund: from highest value to lowest
- By weight: from heaviest to lightest
- By type: in alphabetical order, in the following categories
- Weapons
- Helmets
- Chest pieces
- Gloves
- Boots
- Capes
- Accessories
- Consumables
- All other items
Companion Orders Presentation
We noticed on streams and were told by players that they would be ordering a companion without noticing. To address this, we gave ordering a companion a similar presentation outside of combat to when ordering companions in combat. So when clicking on a companion portrait, you’ll notice:
- The player hotbar cannot be interacted with
- Slow-motion starts
- The order range circle is now more noticeable
Appreciation from Fulfilling Wants, Not Completing Opportunities
To reinforce the sandbox experience of the game, appreciation gains of an NPC now trigger from fulfilling their wants. This means that a player is no longer obligated to learn about opportunities and complete them in order for someone to become friendly or allied to them. For example, if someone wanted monsters eliminated from a place and a player did the deed without speaking to them first, the player will still be better appreciated and even rewarded for their actions.
Optimized Save Files
We’re very happy to say that the time it takes to save a game has been greatly reduced (down to 1 second or less in most setups). The file size of each saved game is also no longer 400 mb, but a way more reasonable less than 50mb.
And More!
To learn more about everything in this update, including bug fixes, please check out the patch notes # 5.
Previous Updates
As was mentioned earlier, this is the fifth update since January 25th. In previous updates, we’ve addressed many very good points brought up by the community, including:
- Adding Armor and stat bonuses to certain odd wearable items
- Adding subtitles to the opening video
- Making item rarity easier to tell by adjusting the vibrancy of the colored icon outlines
- Adding area names to opportunities dialogues and descriptions to make finding characters and items easier
- Providing extra dialogue options during the event on the way to Howling Valley so players are not forced to make a decision this early on what they intend to do with Kalsundia
Also, we quickly jumped on issues reported on launch day:
- Fixed key binding changes not saving after pressing Apply
- Fixed the Goals page in the Journal displaying overlapping text when opened from notifications and dialogue
- Moving a guard position at Howling Valley Warehouse so the player doesn’t need to trespass to talk to them
In case you missed it, here are the links to the patch notes of the previous hotfix.
Hotfix 1 2 3 4
More To Come
In the upcoming weeks, we will continue to listen to your feedback and periodically release updates for Unforetold: Witchstone. We’ve got some really cool stuff in the works!
Thank you once again for your unwavering support and patience. Stay tuned for more patches, keep sending us your feedback, and let’s make this a great game together!
Stay connected and follow us here:
- Discord: https://discord.gg/spearheadgames
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/WitchstoneGame
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WitchstoneGame/
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/witchstonegame/
- Website: https://www.witchstone.ca/
- YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/SpearheadMontreal/