News Liste ICARUS

Icarus Week 115 Update | New Cold Steel, Miasmic and Obsidian Shotgun Shells
15.02.24 23:45 Community Announcements
Week 115 brings three new types of Shotgun Shell to Icarus - Cold Steel, Miasma and Obsidian.

Exclusive to Prometheus, these pack a punch with their own Freeze, Poison and Burn modifiers along with some hefty damage and rare materials to craft.

Batteries and Networks continues it’s thorough testing with our community, and you can get an update on where we are up to inside.

Hop in and have a read.

Notable Improvements:

  • Updated chairs to prefer placing characters in front when getting up. Will place to the right or left if there is not enough room in front of the chair, instead of only trying to place right
  • Fixed collision on nearly every beam to prevent collision outside the visible mesh
  • Fixed mission NOMAD: Greatly reduced the wait time if the side objective is complete before the next primary objective is granted
  • Fixed an issue with the lantern not being able to be prepared when equipped in the light slot
  • Fix EQS query when landing via drop ship on an outpost
  • Added all missing mission sketches (8 total) as available Paintings with the Interior Decorations DLC
  • Fixed many caves not having overridden spawn rules for bees, causing some issues when bees and caveworms would both spawn when only one should have

This week: New Shotgun Ammo

Three new types of Shotgun Ammo have been added to Icarus.

These are Cold Steel, Miasmic and Obsidian variations, and all are exclusive to New Frontiers, as their required materials are only found on Prometheus.

Cold Steel Shotgun Shells have a 20-25 Projectile Damage with a 25 Frost Damage addition, along with a 15% chance to inflict the ‘Freeze’ modifier that reduces movement speed and melee damage.

Miasmic Shotgun Shells have a 20 Projectile Damage with a 25 Poison Damage addition, along with a 15% chance to inflict the ‘Miasma’ modifier that lowers physical resistance by 25% for all afflicted.

Finally, the Obsidian Shotgun Shell has a 20 Projectile Damage with a 25 Fire Damage addition, along with a 15% chance to inflict the ‘Burn’ modifier that causes -50% health regeneration and -25% maximum health while active.

All three of these ammo types can be crafted on the Machining Bench at Tier 3, and require their namesake material which can only be found in Prometheus.

This week: Shotgun Ammo Cost Reduction

Along with adding our three new Shotgun Ammo variations, we’re also making some adjustments in the shotgun shell costs to make them more accessible.

1 Ammo Casing, 5 Copper Nails, 6 Gunpowder and 1 Epoxy.

1 Ammo Casing, 2 Copper Nails, 1 Gunpowder and 1 Epoxy.

Coming Soon: Batteries & Networks

Batteries and Networks is edging closer to release, and we have noted your frustrations at how long this has been in the oven, but our patience is so it is worth your while.

We are frequently updating the testing branch with changes, tweaks, fixes and balances as reported by our community, so if you want to contribute to this, come join us using the password 'IAcceptThereWillBeBugs’.

This branch will be buggy until it is polished and released. This approach to testing and refining however is much more effective in releasing a quality product than one that disrupts the entire game for everyone else because it didn’t get the proper quality control it deserves.

We are close to release now with the crashes and optimizations coming to a close. We will be focusing on balance and QoL over the next week so feel free to jump in.

We thank you for your patience, and just ask you keep it up a little longer.

Next Week: New T4 Shotgun

Our Shotgun theme will carry on one more week, as next week we release a new Tier 4 Shotgun, which is yet to be named.

Got a suggestion for what we should call it? Put it in the comments. No promises your name will be selected, but the door is open for something better than we can come up with. And yes, blasty-mc-blastface has already been suggested.

We’ll also be doing a slight Shotgun damage balance to account for this new big brother, so look out for that too.


If you like what we’re doing with Icarus, and want to support our continued development, consider purchasing one of our DLCs for a few dollars, it would mean a lot to us.

Changelog v2.1.18.119581

New Content
[expand type=details]
  • Unlocked Miasmic, Cold Steel and Obsidian Shotgun Ammo
  • Reduced the price of Buckshot significantly


[expand type=details]
  • SHADOWED: Updated crop plots to spawn new version, rather than old version and being immediately replaced by new version. Added plants to spawned crop plots
  • Updated chairs to prefer placing characters in front when getting up. Will place to the right or left if there is not enough room in front of the chair, instead of only trying to place right
  • Fixed collision on nearly every beam to prevent collision outside the visible mesh
  • NOMAD: Greatly reduced the wait time if the side objective is complete before the next primary objective is granted
  • Fix lantern cannot be repaired when in light slot
  • Fix EQS query when landing via drop ship on an outpost
  • Added all missing mission sketches (8 total) as available Paintings with the Interior Decorations DLC
  • Fixed many caves not having overridden spawn rules for bees, causing them to spawn the same number of bees as caveworms (this means many caves will now have waaay less bees)


Future Content
[expand type=details]
  • Small adjustments to hammerhead slug small
  • Adding in hammerslug small idle and aggro audio
  • Adding unique gas sound for hammehead slug. Duplicating and adjusting anims for gas clouds for different sizes. Adjsutments to sounds to match
  • Adding more appropriate sounding idle neigh jump land stomp to wooly zebra idles
  • More fine tunes and balances to the mount wooly zebra. Adjusting footsteps and idle anim notifiers to be more appropriate
  • Added text for first batch of CC saddles
  • Fix Field Guide Workshop Packs page provided item padding
  • Adding wooly zebra attack audio, event and data table setup. Duplicating attack anims for own unique montages and adding to mounts table etc
  • Update Field Guide How to Obtain text for the quest vegetables to just mention Quests, as every plant is able to be ordered from the workshop
  • FieldGuide - fix margins on workshop pack widget
  • Added Carcass and setup dead items for the mini hippo, duped anims for audio setup, montage hooking incoming
  • FieldGuide - add workshop packs to plants page
  • Added full base implementation for the Mini Hippo including creature BP, mesh and bones, skeleton cleanup and tweaks to follow
  • Adjustments and fine tunes to wooly zebra mount
  • Added missing resource images to Field Guide data table
  • FieldGuide - add workshop packs to arrows and ore pages
  • Adding wooly zebra juvi events and data table entries
  • FieldGuide - add feature level to itemable widget
  • FieldGuide - fix the consume tag on the last few various seed packs
  • Adding in basic setup for Juvenile Wooly Zebra
  • Adding Bearhide Saddle Icon
  • Tagged Workshop Shovel as Item.Meta to allow it to be requested from orbit
  • Adding Icons for Croc / Deluxe / Sandworm Saddles
  • Added setup for Blueback/Redback mounts
  • FieldGuide - change the consume tag on various seed packs so not marked as food
  • Correcting a few missed slug previews and audio notifiers
  • Added text for shovel tiers
  • FieldGuide - change the consume tag on various arrow packs so not marked as food
  • Adding the final amount of the hammer slug preview meshes so differentiate between the slug and hammerslug at a glance
  • More audio updates to hammerslugs and applying preview meshes for better visibility in editor
  • Lots of updates and additions to the hammerslug of all sizes
  • Added ITM_Saddle_Sandworm with Buffalo, Moa and Horse skeleton variations
  • Added ITM_Saddle_Croc_Skin for Buffalo, Moa, Horse skeleton variations
  • Fixed a grammatical issue in some item names for clarity
  • Additional fine tunes and improvements to the wooly zebra audio
  • Adding Water Borer, T3 Rain Reserviour, Water Barrel and biofuel water pump
  • Checking in extra Variant SK meshes to use at a later date, full setup of the base mini hippo done with the boar numbers in place but all individual entries to use for design tweaking stats wise etc when needed
  • FieldGuide - rework sidebar
  • "FieldGuide - make itemable how to obtain vertical
  • Added Item Category Icons
  • Re-Tagged Workshop Shovel as Item.Meta to allow it to be requested from orbit, was incorrectly removed with merge
  • Added default maximum placement distance of 100m between beacons
  • Wooly zebra juvenile setup/proper corpse meshes
  • Added new Beacon Tool / Field Beacon items for use in PROM expansion mission
  • FieldGuide - restore ability to go back after sidebar refactor
  • Fixing Build by removing bad assets
  • Update Trail Beacon map size and compass distance
  • Added stats for Larkwell and Black Wolf armor sets, pending recipe and costs

Logo for ICARUS
Release:03.12.2021 Genre: Action-Adventure Entwickler:keine Infos Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
Einzelspieler Mehrspieler Koop

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