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Icarus Week 150 Update | 12+ fixes and improvements for Null Sector
18.10.24 00:04 Community Announcements
Welcome to Week 150 - another milestone we’re proud to achieve with you all.

We released the Null Sector last Friday and, as we mentioned in the post, spent the start of this week at our company ‘Re-Orientation’. This has meant we’ve had less than three days this week to spend on the patch, so we have focused on fixes for the Null Sector and improvements from your feedback.

If you missed the post last week we do a full breakdown of the Null Sector here.

The Null Sector is a new hardcore region of the Prometheus Map which requires the New Frontiers Expansion to play.

This Week: Notable Fixes

  • Fixed issues with the Northern Prometheus Arctic Regions as some meshes were not brought across in the merge. This meant there were large landscape meshes missing and areas in which you could fall through the map
  • Fixed an issue with Prometheus' prebuilt structures - where the resource networks were incorrectly using the same IDs as player-placed ones. This meant that networks would break when loading prospects
  • Added a details panel to the Escape Menu to show how many buildables, deployables and mounts are active in the level. This should help users identify potential issues with too many of 'X' objects active in their prospect and why performance may be suffering
  • Added the ability to change the ‘sell’ amount by tens in the workshop when selling exotics
  • Ensured that info text doesn't create a blank box in the quest UI
  • Fixed a bug where clicking ‘empty container’ on canteens that weren’t in the first storage slot in the character UI would cause it to not fill up until you moved it
  • Fixed dark-toned mount/tame preview images displaying incorrect iconography when bringing animals down from space via OEI (only applies to animals that are sent up to space after this fix)
  • Fixed a bunch of the scanners appearing upside down in third person view due to an incorrectly rotated prop bone in the scanner focusable. This has been fixed by creating a new anim with the correct rotation and offset for third person
  • HEADSTONE: Added additional cleanup steps to clear quest objects if the quest is abandoned or otherwise ends without the final completion cleanup
  • Updated the flow meter so when reloading prospects it will not initialize and work correctly again.
  • Fixed generators and the electric water pump not correctly displaying their relevant electricity and water consumptions/provisions

Next Week: Updated Reinforced Wood

Next week, we’ll continue with any more fixes for Null Sector that crop up, and also add a new variation to the wood.

Reinforced Wood will have brand-new materials and require beeswax in its creation, so it is visually distinct from its regular wood counterparts. We previously did this with the Reinforced Glass tier, and now thought it was time to do the same with the wood.

Your support makes these updates possible.

Changelog v2.2.25.128673

New Content

[expand type=details expanded=false]
  • HEADSTONE: Added additional cleanup steps to clear quest objects if the quest is abandoned or otherwise ends without the final completion cleanup
  • Added the ability to change sell amount by 10s in the workshop selling exotic UI
  • Add details panel to Escape Menu to show how many Buildables, Deployables and Mounts are active in the level. This should help users identify potential issues with too many of X objects active in their prospect and why performance may be suffering


[expand type=details expanded=false]
  • Removed some unnecessary blueprint array copying that was causing infinite loops to trigger in editor
  • Added fix for existing spline/resource networks becoming broken or disconnected when starting some of the null sector missions; Spline networks that are loaded in at runtime via prebuilt mission structures now check for network ID collisions and will automatically adjust. Previously prebuilt structure networks would re-use their original IDs, meaning that if existing networks had matching IDs they would be overridden, resulting in incorrectly merged networks and splines being disconnected / deleted
  • Fixed generators and electric water pump not showing their electicity and water consumptions/provisions
  • Floor Torch mesh replaced with new combined mesh, shadow casting turned off to avoid visual noise
  • Adjusting deploy audio for animal crates
  • Added more weight to the large animal crate open audio
  • Adding large and medium cryogenic crate audio and events and notifys
  • Delete revisions file from Outpost001 folder that has been retired
  • Updated flow meter order of reloading network to prevent multiple settings of network type on restart
  • Rebuild Second Arctic Area, on Blue Quad, Prometheus
  • Moved Floating Macro Meshes Down on Blue Quad, Prometheus
  • Rebuild Arctic Area, on Blue Quad, Prometheus
  • Removing profilings from Nullsector audio testing
  • Adding base setup for the golem gauntlet and slug launcher legendary weapons to test out the new base poses for the weapon types, gauntlet needs some bespoke hookup as it is a different apporach to equipping weapons so just has a placeholder BP at the moment, respective anims etc added and hooked up
  • Fixed a bunch of the scanners appearing upside down in 3RD person due to incorrectly rotated prop bone in the scanner focusable, did this by creating a new anim with the correct rotation and offset for 3RD person
  • Fixed dark mount/tame preview images when bringing animals down from space via OEI (only applies to animals that are sent up to space after this fix)
  • Ensure info text doesn't create a blank box in quest UI
  • Optimised mining drill logic that would become significantly more expensive when drill was powered and inventory was full
  • Fixed a bug where if you scroll over empty slots it will stop allowing you to scroll
  • Fixed bug with new AtmosphereController settings where WeatherMan utility widget wasn't able to set time correctly. Fixed bug where nativised AtmosphereController wasn't correctly initialising some variables, leading to flashing sun colour
  • Nativised some more AtmosphereController update functions. Devs can now use the '-ForcedPlayerIndex=' command line parameter to reload a save as a different on-prospect character (development build only)
  • Fixed Lake Depth on Outpost 9, on Red Quad
  • LC Macro rocks - added moss, sand, snow material variants for DLC2 map
  • Add Cheats to destroy all/certain deployables, and all buildings for Prospect performance testing
  • Re-save level after file move
  • Remove empty obsolete sublevels from Olympus
  • Cleanup remaining Outpost001 file, moved to developer folder
  • Misc updates to Editor tools for profiling
  • Disable CPU access on Trees which shouldn't need it (no other trees do)
  • Fixed shield stats overwriting the main weapon stats. Incidentally fixed the bug where if you equip 1h item/shield then press the same 1h item slot it wont bring hands out (now correctly does)
  • Fixed Foliage RVT mask actor bounds not covering the level properly in Prometheus. Grass should now properly cull when buildings are placed on it
  • Icesheet Prefab cave with doublestacked ore Removed
  • Fixed second Ent to Volcano Cave on Outpost 9, on Red Quad
  • Added moss variant materials for LC cave floors

Future Content

[expand type=details expanded=false]
  • Bulls now have a behaviour option to enable fertilization of nearby cows, when the option is set to fertilize they will now gain a modifier which will start the fertilization process
  • Adding audio for the ice mammoth trap. Set and catch. Also correcting the items static audio row and deploy audio
  • DLC2 - added biome heatmap/gameplay texture + source art, new row to D_Terrains for Jake to populate
  • Added function to quickly setup multiple proxy meshes with different item configurations
  • Fixed cases where you could skip proxy mesh states (eg if you put in more than required to go from no proxy to 2 proxies)
  • Moved temp navmesh blocker volumes to persistent level
  • DLC2 - Added NavArea_Null volumes to inactive quads to reduce unnecessary navmesh bloat while building map
  • DLC2 - disabling nav generation on new impassable and macros meshes, added imp versions of ledges, added tundra transition decal and adjusted settings on LC scree decal
  • Updating Bull Setup so it now has a vestiage, trophy and correct creature type information
  • Updated LODs on the rooster skeletal mesh. Updated rooster dead anim BP to remove the neck extension
  • Cows now accumulate milk over time and when milked will provide a certain number of liters, it may take multiple objects to milk a cow
  • Added Stats to cows for producing milk and adjusted mount tooltip to display milk amount
  • Adding Cow Vestige, Loot and Trophy
  • Adding Milk Bottle and Pail Blueprints and Recipes
  • Updated calf skeletal mesh position in the blueprint. Updated cow gfur splines and cleaned up the skinning on the belly
  • Updated Gfur in chick blueprint tweaked LODs on the chick skeletal mesh
  • Updated calf blueprint with scale reduced on the skektal mesh and gfur settings tweaked. Added the correct physical material on the cow, bull, and calf materials
  • Added Male and Female creature modifier icons
  • Fix spacing on context menu for repair, ensuring text fits in other languages
  • Decal and Cliff Placement, Green and Yellow Quads, Elysium
  • Adding Virtual Stats for Time Between Cow Milking, Resources To Produce Milk, Milk Production etc, all related to cows producing milk
  • Fix spacing on currency sell buttons in other languages
  • Inital Macro Pass, Temp Foliage placement and Flushed Grass on all quads, Elysium
  • Cows are now Milkable
  • Added placeholder proxy meshes to Windmill. Updated deployable and attached windmill blades
  • New impassables and cliffs for DLC2 map
  • Fixed workshop animal crate smoke FX not deactivating before crate is cleaned up
  • Black wolf trap implementation
  • Tweaked assault rifle fire rate, durability, required ammo, horizontal and vertical recoil values. Added ability for projectile weapons to define a horizontal and vertical recoil that is applied after firing. Dev range targets will now have markers fade out over time by default
  • Committing code change to IcarusTamingData so we can now specify multiple creatures that juveniles can grow up into, this is done via stats in the override column
  • Fixed a bug where pressing empty container on canteens not in the first slot would cause it to not fill up until you move it
  • Added DEP_Windmill with all textures, materials, animation and proxy meshes. Will still add further proxy meshes for output
  • Changing Cow / Bull / Calf / Ram / Chick / Lamb Base Classes
  • The Calf can not grow up into a Cow and Bull
  • Created a workshop item to purchase Calfs
  • Adding Sex Assignment of a Calf once it spawns in
  • Adding Milk as a resource, Milk Bottles and Milk Pales
  • Inital macro blockout and Landscape sculpting pass, Green and Red Quads, Elysium
  • Macro Pass Blockout on Yellow Quad, Elysium
  • DLC2 map setup - material variants for cave entrances and cliffs, WIP meshes and materials for new desert impassables
  • Fixed shadow geo mesh in Nullsec cave
  • Ice Mammoth Nest Trap implementation
  • Added Chemistry Bench FX Prototype
  • Fixed second Ent to Volcano Cave Water on Outpost 9, on Red Quad
  • Updated golem rock fragment physical material and added it to the meshable data table
  • Added BatWing Trails FXs for Cave and Snow Bats
  • New sand normal map for DC_incline layer
  • swapped textures in DC_incline layer of DLC2 map material
  • Optimised BP_AtmosphereController tick function
  • Optimised expensive tick function on T4 Omni animal feed trough
  • Added Cave_LC_MED_004_NoObsidian & Polished Second Ent to Volcano Cave on Outpost 9, on Red Quad
  • Added Golem Rock Fragment art assets to the project
  • Added impassable meshes and variant of Macro 01 from PHNX, new materials for impassable slopes
  • Removed floating rock in purple quad, Prometheus
  • Swapped cave floor meshes to moss variants, Outpost 11
  • Added moss variant materials for LC stalagmites
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Release:03.12.2021 Genre: Action-Adventure Entwickler:keine Infos Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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