Wait... Absolute Zero has a release date?
Yes, it's true, Absolute Zero has a release date. It is February 12th, 2019, the 20th anniversary of Half-Life Uplink! We were going to release it on the 25th anniversary of Sonic Spinball's European Release for one big old in-joke, but we were not able to reach that deadline. So we chose the third best option to release on, which is Uplink's 20th anniversary.
However, that is not all she wrote...
Half-Life: Absolute Zero - Available on Steam
Well, here it is! The store page, like we said we would have!
We chose to release on Steam due to our mod having major issues with live HL and us not wanting to make the install more complex than it is needed to be. Ease of use for all players! The mod will still support WON, if that's any concern.
What's new with the mod since the demo release?
Well, of course, a lot of things are different with the mod! I mean, it has been over a year since we've released the demo! We've enhanced various parts of the mod to be more polished and listened to several pieces of feedback in-order to make the experience better.
We have made progress with various NPCs, such as the Kingpin and Floater. They even have animations custom made for them!
We even have the German censorship originally planned for HL added in, don't worry, it can be toggled on and off for every region.
If you were paying close attention to our media updates, you would of saw progress for Questionable Ethics, Boot Camp, and Down and Out! In case you didn't, I'm going to slap the highlights here!

But that's not the end of our new content that we're going to have, but you'll just have to wait for future updates or the full release to find out more.
Are you going to plug the demo again like you always do?
You know it! Just in-case you missed it, you can check out the Day One demo! It's super out of date compared to the current live build of AZ, but that isn't out yet!
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