Half-Life: Absolute Zero
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Über das Spiel

- Source Code publicly available, read more here!
- Brings early development concepts from Half-Life back to life!
- A re-imagined Half-Life experience!
- New locations to explore!
- Plenty of options to customize!
- Maps created with J.A.C.K.
- CPU: Pentium 166+
- GFX: 3D Accelerator card
- RAM: 32 MB RAM
- Software: Windows 95/98/NT 4.0/XP/Vista
- SFX: Win-compatible sound card
- MISC: To run on operating systems lower than Windows 7, you will need the original big box release of Half-Life
- LANG: Englisch
- CPU: 1 GHz Intel or AMD based processor
- GFX: 32 MB+ video card
- Software: Windows 7
- SFX: Win-compatible sound card
- MISC: To run on operating systems lower than Windows 7, you will need the original big box release of Half-Life
- LANG: Englisch
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
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318 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.07.20 12:18
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120 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.01.22 06:49
I'll give it the fact that it made me wanna play the original Half-Life every second I was playing this god damn mess, so thanks absolute zero.
3446 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.04.21 02:29
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172 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.01.21 11:55
The map a1a4f is so bugged that i can't move on to the next map, it just crashes in the loading screen. (cheats won't help)
Overall i liked the mod, it was a lot of fun. It is just sad that the bugs are breaking the game.
13 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.10.20 08:43
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53 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.10.20 05:39
Doesn't matter as this failure will be purged from Steam soon enough, not to mention it never really supposed to be here to begin with. Even an older, non-Steam version had more content than this barebones experience.
Hopefully, once the assets are made public, people will put them to good use, as some really talented people worked on them.
Good riddance.
389 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.10.20 05:30
I was planning on writing this review sometime in October, 2020, so that way I would be able to play the whole mod as it was. But that released date would be the month that this mod would die. I guess I should have seen that one coming, but even the devs knew long before I did. So, I guess I have to write a review before the game is taken off the Steam store page. And yeah… there are more important things to be worried about in my life, for example: LIKE MY ESSAY DUE IN FOUR DAYS FROM NOW!!!! But this is more important to me (no jokes here, I’m dead serious).
So, what do I think about Half-life: Absolute Zero? Well I want to get the elephant out of the room: the development history. Dude, I’m gonna be real with you on this, Half-life: Absolute Zero is like the Franklin Pierce or Jimmy Carter of Half-life mods. It seemed like nothing went right for these guys: the mod’s been in development for ten years, an indie game studio tried suing this team because the indie studio trademarked “Absolute Zero” (one of the dumbest cases by the way), one of their level designers just straight up left with no words or anything and is still gone to this day, they tried getting another level designer but I don’t think anybody even joined, and now they cancelled the mod. It’s so sad to look at, I just hope they find better luck than with this mod. Okay, the drama is out of the way. NOW, how is the mod itself? Well, I went on a trip and stayed at my grandparent’s farm and then I played through all of what the mod had to offer. My thoughts: it was hands down, one of the GREATEST Half-life Beta recreation mods I’ve ever played.
- It’s Half-life 1, but OH so different. Obviously, this mod is about the Alpha Build and cut content of Half-life 1. If you’ve read my Half-life: Restored Mod Review, then you would know that I think Half-life 1 is a perfect game that needs no changes. The Half-life 1 Beta is something that I am so glad never happened. More in that review, getting off track. It felt like I was rediscovering the Black Mesa Research Facility and everything felt like an alternate universe. I felt like I was playing a game that was lost in time, a game nobody played that was released in 1997. I sometimes wish I never knew what Half-life was, just so I could play it for the first time and get my first reactions; this mod is the closest thing I have to that. It made me feel like a kid again with curiosity about Black Mesa; it’s why I put up with the bugs and glitches with the mod, I was dedicated to seeing EVERYTHING.
- The gameplay is really different: for example, the HECU marines run and shoot?!! I had so much fun with it because of how different it felt compared to the retail version of Half-life. It threw me off guard and I always love that in mods, when they do it.
- This mod made me like the Half-life 1 beta a little bit more. I still REALLY prefer retail over the Beta, but it did make me think and wonder about a weird Half-life that never came to be. It’s interesting stuff even if I think some of it is dumb.
- The mod is dead… :( That just sucks, but I can’t blame them.
- A lot of Valve’s original ideas for Half-life sucked: climbing ladders was nauseating and slow, antidotes were confusing, key cards were annoying and they sucked in Doom etc.
- Weapon animations were pretty bad, just looking at the mp5 reload animation is clear enough. But that’s probably done on purpose.
I probably have more reasons, but I don’t remember what I hated and liked about this mod. I just remember, and still do, that I LOVED it. There are only two beta mods out there that I actually like: Absolute Zero and Dark Interval (which is still kicking strong). This mod is a damn tragedy: it’s not because it was bad, unplayable, enjoyable, or even not fun. It’s because of the development hell these guys went through. I can’t believe this mod has been worked on for ten years straight and they went through all of the things I mentioned. It’s just depressing to look at and I wish no one has to go through something like this. But that can be game development for you in a nutshell... :(
I made this review on Half-life Restored. Which is a f*cking vrigin compared to the Chad Half-life: Absolute Zero: https://steamcommunity.com/id/Arpip/recommended/1283930/
I also have a YouTube Channel, if you're interested go here:
You can also write a comment if you want
Cobalt-57, I won’t forget who you guys were and we all hope for the best in you. For now, just rest and know that it’s over.
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188 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.10.20 07:25
681 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.09.20 02:08
I can't understand why there are negative reviews as of late. I mean, sure there are some map loading bugs, but nothing the console can't solve.
Now please, PLEASE, do this exact formula again but with Half-Life 2...like...please.
184 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.09.20 11:43
216 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.08.20 12:01
This mod amazed me with almost everything in it, because there is a lot of things that was realized here much better then in original Half Life. But the most amazing and outstanding thing is the HEV suit. This suit must be like in this mod: Using antidotes and adrenalines when player dies, playing voicelines in most of game events with a nice and atmospheric robotic voice - it is the one and only real friend and companion in black mesa. And what about dynamic shadows? Masterpiece, and most outstanding fact is that the game isn't even released! Good luck for dewelopers, because they doing something really good!
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194 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.08.20 21:58
The further you progress into the game, the laziness of the developers and their shoddy work becomes easily apparent. Ugly, repetitive environments that add no value are commonplace. Ugly and odd layouts and design that look totally out of place. Silly, cartoonish looking enemies and NPC's, it's just an ugly mess.
And in spite of the lazy, shoddy development work being the sole reason for so many threads and questions being created in the Discussion Forum asking for help, you will find the Developers to display an unbelievably rude, condescending, unfriendly tone and attitude towards those asking for help. It's appalling.
Don't waste your time. There are plenty of other solid mods that are worth your time, this one is certainly not.
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75 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.08.20 18:56
709 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.08.20 01:12
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51 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.07.20 14:28
If it is updated frequently, I'll retry it and rewrite the review.
146 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.07.20 16:24
there are some features that didn't make it in the retail, like the antidote and adrenaline, though it makes total sense why valve cut those, honestly, i would have loved them to stay, but the game is just a simple puzzle shooter, no need to make it quirky.
levels feature cut sections where the map layout is wholly different, there's just that feel to them that made me question why valve resorted to simplify some sections in the retail version, maybe they wanted the added vortigaunts to fit within the gameplay in these levels?
moreover, the level design felt like a metroid vania where it would lead you back to prior areas the more you progress. sadly, half life cut down on that in the later chapters, where it just becomes a straight line with baddies to shoot. (btw office complex is so good in this mod, you should see it for yourself, give it a try, it feels a lot better here)
this mod is a must for old-school half life 1 players, you'll be satisfied when you pass these levels with fresh concepts that never made it to the light of the current day. boot it, play it, love it.
276 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.07.20 00:31
217 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.07.20 03:26
I want to preface this review with this: I acknowledge that Half-Life: Absolute Zero is nowhere near a completed state. I am not reviewing Absolute Zero as a finished mod. I simply want to give the development team some useful feedback, as I understand that's very useful to an in-production project.
Firstly, I want to go over what I like about Absolute Zero. Overall, after around three hours of gameplay (though I didn't finish it, for reasons I will mention later), I can safely say that I would recommend Absolute Zero. It's a good mod, although it does have some noticeable issues that hold it back. The mod accurately recreates the early development concepts of Half-Life and it successfully implements many unfinished concepts in a way that feels natural, as opposed to incredibly forced like many other mods of its ilk. Visually, it's quite good looking, considering the intended art style and the age and limitations of the GoldSrc engine. Design-wise, Absolute Zero doesn't do much to change the pre-established Half-Life gameplay, though it doesn't need to, other than the addition of colored vials which give Gordon Freeman certain abilities (reincarnation after death, immunity to toxins). The level design (the levels that are completable, I mean) is great. Just like what Valve managed to pull off with the original Half-Life, the environments manage to feel like living, breathing areas while also being intuitively designed and most importantly, fun. The PantherEye is a great enemy, though unfortunately underutilized. Like every great FPS enemy, it has a certain pattern one needs to memorize to evade or kill the beast. The area it is introduced in particularly compliments the PantherEye's AI. The HECU Sergeant is another well-implemented enemy. It's certainly great to see more variety among the HECU marines, and the sergeant's windup for his minigun prevents the enemy from being too overpowered. The mod also delivers a very tense, often creepy atmosphere, which is always commendable, especially within GoldSrc. I particularly loved the area where the headcrab zombies would burst out of the walls. It made the map feel dynamic, and it made me feel a little more paranoid wandering those halls.
However, as I said earlier, Absolute Zero isn't perfect. It's got some serious issues that I hope can be patched out when the mod fully releases. Firstly, the mod is very buggy. Now, this is to be expected in an unfinished development build, though I figured it would be constructive to list what broke in particular. The health chargers in the earlier part of the mod often didn't work at all for me. They would play their animation, yet I wouldn't gain any additional health. The scientist (and to a lesser extent, security guard) AI needs some serious work. They often will not follow you despite the player giving them the explicit order to do so. There was a particular part where I tried and tried to get a scientist to use a retinal scanner, but he refused to. The guards are a little too aggressive, charging into the fray immediately and almost killing themselves. Speaking of the scientists, sometimes their voice lines will glitch out, looping infinitely. In the map a1a4f, the sewage door doesn't open, preventing progress, though from what I've read, the developers are well aware of that issue already. Sometimes, though infrequently, level transitions would break, leaving me in an infinite loop. On occasion, the game would just outright crash (something related to sound volume?). Shadows would sometimes glitch out, revealing hidden enemies, such as headcrabs hiding in the ceiling.
I just outlined all of the bugs and glitches I experienced in my time with Absolute Zero, however, there are some problems that I experienced that aren't due to a technical error. Firstly, the video settings have been downgraded from the original Half-Life. There is no anisotropic filtering, anti-aliasing, or vsync of any kind. I understand this may be an artistic decision, though I feel the mod would benefit from the option, as it is a little immersion-breaking to see the floor in front of me get increasingly less detailed the further I look. Moreover, I feel Absolute Zero would benefit from a field of view slider (though I understand this is a fault that Half-Life has as well). I managed to adjust the FOV via the command console, but small quality-of-life improvements go a long way. The mod could also benefit from a higher framerate, as for me the game was locked at 60FPS. Higher framerates (particularly 120FPS and above) make gameplay feel and look more fluid, reduce input latency, and may make screen tearing and stuttering less noticeable. From a design standpoint, movement feels slipperier than Half-Life, causing the crate puzzle to be unnecessarily more difficult. The section where Black Mesa is being bombed by the HECU is incredibly unbalanced and unfair. The bombs give you very little margin for error and make for a frustrating experience.
Overall, I would recommend Half-Life: Absolute Zero. It's a pretty good mod that does a lot of things right, even in such an early state. Just go into it knowing that it's not even close to completion, and you'll have a fun time.
18 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.07.20 17:53
If Absolute Zero stays the course and keeps seeing great updates I think this could be one of the Half-Life modding scene's all-time greats. For now, it's a fun little incursion into the scrapped 1997 iteration of the original Half-Life and an absolute treat for any fans who have been curious about that version of the game - made by fans, for the fans. Worth a try; it's free to play!
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