News Liste Global Farmer

Hotfix 0.8.13
Global Farmer
21.10.24 15:09 Community Announcements
We have a new batch of fixes for you with a bigger technical change to crop spawning that potentially fixes a lot of crashes that were reported.

Changelog 0.8.13:
  • New features to vote on in feature requests should not have default negative votings anymore
  • New category in the financial overview for the money you spend on daily operation costs (Will be extended with field action costs in the next update, which are still missing)
  • Reworked crop spawning system, addressing crash issues, crops now might take 1-3 seconds until they are spawned in on all fields visually when loading maps.
  • Assignment overview after field sold not open anymore, plantings/ preview deleted properly now
  • Fixed a bug where notifications would always show "Field not ready" for any failure reason
  • (Now with more information, this should address the currently most reported bug, we are working on something to show reservations at all, as still makes planning multiple field difficult at the moment)
  • Reset a field when a planting action fails. This should fix several issues where fields were no longer plantable.
  • Fixed various loca issues
  • Fixed an issue where the duration of Spray, Irrigation and Fertilize were calculated incorrectly
  • Avoid some flickering when fields are overlapping (This is a bigger change that should reduce flickering problems, but fields may still overlap as this is just how some OSM data is defined)
  • Reactivated welcome window
  • Small fixes in new crop spawner

Known Bug: Weed keeps spawning in now, anti-weed spraying and plowing seems not to reduce weed anymore visually, but still changes the gameplay values. Will be addressed with a very soon next hotfix. We wanted to give you this update as early as possible to give you some important crash and planting fixes.
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Release:07.10.2024 Genre: Aufbaustrategie Entwickler: Thera Bytes GmbH Vertrieb: Aerosoft Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
Einzelspieler Mehrspieler Koop

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