News Liste Global Farmer

Try our first big update before the official release!
Global Farmer
06.11.24 15:50 Community Announcements
This is your chance to already try out our upcoming big update Fields & Weather,
It greatly helps us to have some testers that can give feedback on the new things we implemented.

Switch to the Beta Branch "experimental" to play the preview.

Main features:
  • Create new fields, meadows, forest and lakes anytime so you can beautify and play, even on locations with very little data.
  • You are now able to better plan out your crop rotation with the help of the newly added weather overview. Beware, rainfall amount affects soil moisture regeneration!
  • Storage capacity overview in the HUD: Quickly see how full your warehouses are.
  • Rebalanced for more realistic crop sell prices and yields.

Patch Notes - 0.9.3:

  • Ingame field creation added: Solves issue that you couldn't play on empty or bad data maps. Also lets you make nicer maps on the go while playing. [list]
  • Can draw fields, see hectare size and buy cost and end of field completion.
  • Second confirmation step to set field type.
  • Deleting of created and existing fields possible.

  • Storage Capacity Overview in HUD.
  • Weather curves added to timeline (sunshine, temperature, rainfall), all relative to location besides rainfall. You can toggle the graphs.
  • Soil texture types split into each, individual damage, not always for all three. Mismatch value icons colored orange and red in UI
  • Money notification, show spending and earnings at top HUD with number go up animation to give better player feedback and more rewarding to sell stuff/ earn money.
  • Money popup info over field
  • Can enable/ disable to play with tutorial
  • Tutorial info for drawing fields in first step when having to buy fields
  • Old tractor model and animation
  • Loading any location even with zero field possible and initial farm placeable
  • Crops, contracts, difficulties, vehicles, buildings, & storages rebalanced.
    • More realistic prices and yields.
    • More contractors, contracts more valueable and rewardings, better for progression, destinct required crops to focus on.
    • More interesting to build necessary storages.
    • Vehicle performance reduced, to get at a point where more vehicles are required to achieve yields of the contracts. ~30 hectare
    • Machinery costs increases greatly if multiple days are required per field action to give further incentive of owning more machines of the same.
    • Better tractors pull implements faster to give further incentive to own better tractors.
    • Lower starting money for better progression, ingame field creation ensures that you can start with small fields everywhere.
    • Soil moisture regenerates faster with heavier rainfall to a certain maximum, makes rainfall amount more relevant.

    Logo for Global Farmer
    Release:07.10.2024 Genre: Aufbaustrategie Entwickler: Thera Bytes GmbH Vertrieb: Aerosoft Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
    Einzelspieler Mehrspieler Koop

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