News Liste Global Farmer

Update 1
Global Farmer
08.11.24 11:30 Community Announcements

Our first big update is up for everyone! ????

First of all: Thank you for all your feedback, ideas, bug reports and feature votes!
It is truely a pleasure to be able to interact with you so much and make this game live up to its potential step by step.

  • Draw fields anytime (Fields, lakes, forests, pastures)(Community Wish)
  • Weather curves to visually the weather of your region
  • Storage capacity overview
  • (Community Wish)
  • New tractor
  • Big balancing changes for more realistic prices and contractors rebalanced

Draw Fields Anytime

During the running game you can create new fields and not just buy existing fields.
Thank you for this wonderful suggestion, PHaddman!
This enables you to actually start to play anywhere even if you select a place without sufficient data.
Additionally you can also delete fields. Which enables you to basically split a huge forest into multiple separate fields.

Set as what type the field is created:
  • Field
  • Forest
  • Pasture
  • Lake

Storage Capacity Overview

An overview in the HUD how much storage space you have / have left for each storage type.
This was a highly requested feature. Thanks for bringing it up, Chris!

Old tractor model and animation
We know some of you really liked the idea of having less powerful machines. Here's a first step into that direction. Hope you like this little red tractor as much as we do!

Weather Curves added to Timeline

Now you can more easily spot the sunshine, temperature and rainfall differences between the different months. This makes planning your crops more intuitive.
If you want to get rid of them, you can simply toggle them off.

Rainfall amount now also affects how quickly soil moisture recovers on your field, new indicators have been added to the tooltips.

Big Balancing Update

  • All crops have more realistic prices as well as yield in tons.
  • Storages have been rebalanced to address the higher yields per hectare.
  • Tractors performance is now relevant and pulls implements slower or faster, resulting in different field action durations.
  • Machines that are lot of days on the field cost exponentially more with each additional day, try to keep their working durations to 1-2 days tops or pay the price.
  • New contractors have been added, all contracts rebalanced.
  • With second tier of contracts you have more choice on what crop you want to focus.
  • Contracts are at least double as valuable as selling crops on the market.
  • Grains and potatoes have especially lucrative contracts as they require special machinery that can get you high yields on bigger fields.

Patch Notes - 0.9.4:

  • Ingame field creation added: Solves issue that you couldn't play on empty or bad data maps. Also lets you make nicer maps on the go while playing. [list]
  • Can draw fields, see hectare size and buy cost and end of field completion.
  • Second confirmation step to set field type.
  • Deleting of created and existing fields possible.

  • Storage Capacity Overview in HUD.
  • Weather curves added to timeline (sunshine, temperature, rainfall), all relative to location besides rainfall. You can toggle the graphs.
  • Soil texture types split into each, individual damage, not always for all three. Mismatch value icons colored orange and red in UI
  • Money notification, show spending and earnings at top HUD with number go up animation to give better player feedback and more rewarding to sell stuff/ earn money.
  • Money popup info over field
  • Can enable/ disable to play with tutorial
  • Tutorial info for drawing fields in first step when having to buy fields
  • Old tractor model and animation
  • Loading any location even with zero field possible and initial farm placeable
  • Crops, contracts, difficulties, vehicles, buildings, & storages rebalanced.
    • More realistic prices and yields.
    • More contractors, contracts more valuable and rewardings, better for progression, destinct required crops to focus on.
    • More interesting to build necessary storages.
    • Vehicle performance reduced, to get at a point where more vehicles are required to achieve yields of the contracts. ~30 hectare
    • Machinery costs increases greatly if multiple days are required per field action to give further incentive of owning more machines of the same.
    • Better tractors pull implements faster to give further incentive to own better tractors.
    • Lower starting money for better progression, ingame field creation ensures that you can start with small fields everywhere.
    • Soil moisture regenerates faster with heavier rainfall to a certain maximum, makes rainfall amount more relevant.

  • Some currency loca problem fixes
  • Old tractor can pull irrigation tool
  • Balance tweaks, grain and potato contracts more rewarding to factor in initial equipment cost and possible higher yields on large fields.
  • Pooling behaviour for notifications (technical, small chance to fix a specific crash)
  • Equipment info box now shows daily operation costs
  • [/list]

    Logo for Global Farmer
    Release:07.10.2024 Genre: Aufbaustrategie Entwickler: Thera Bytes GmbH Vertrieb: Aerosoft Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
    Einzelspieler Mehrspieler Koop

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