Patch Notes - 0.8.16:
- Can only confirm valid plantings due to double reservations, addressing 'field action failed' bugs. Dragging and dropping plantings should now also better update when machinery is reserved for other tasks. Autofill machinery also improved in that regard.This should fix a problem lots of players have reported.
- FMOD updated, fixing potential bugs and crashes caused by sound effects
- Fixed bugs regarding game hanging when selling a pasture
- General potential bug fixes with null ref error fixes
Sneak Peak Upcoming Update:
We are working on an bigger update that will be announced soon.
- Rebalancing the game, addressing balancing/ progression issues. More realistic prices and yields, more contracts, better contractor choices, contracts better balanced and rewarding.
- Much wanted storage capacity overview.
- Red old tractor as new cheaper starter tractor.
- Ingame field creation, solving issues that you can't play on empty or bad data maps, also lets you make nicer maps on the go while playing.
- Weather curves in the timeline, showing how the temperature, sunshine hours and rainfall progresses over the year for each location.