0.9.9 Patch Notes
- Crop requirements damage info now shows if temperature or sunshine duration is too high or too low, such distinctions were missing before, reworked tooltip in general.
- Address Search: You can now search for streets addresses directly. Map starts centered based on that exact position. Switch between postal/city search and online street search from the globe.
- Added globe tutorial (To introduce search features and guide players better)
- Contracts Screen and HUD Updates: The HUD now displays your level with contractors and how many contracts are needed to reach the next tier. Each contract also shows its tier.
- Easy planting now also shows unavailable vehicles
- Unavailable vehicles are greyed out
- Fixed ui scaling issues
- Fixed bug where broken contracts made it into the list of accepted contracts
- Workaround that fixes save games with broken contracts
- More text inside the UI will adapt when changing the language.
- Fixed a bug where clicking the timeline created an invisible planting.
- Fixed various bugs in the equipment machine selection.
- Further contracts balance tweaks.
- Fixed several bugs that could lead to fields that are no longer plantable even after selling.
- Fixed bugs where the state of fields was not properly reset when being transformed into pastures or when selling.
- Fixed various localization issues and text issues where title and description were swapped.
- Adds a storage type icon in the growing part of the crop selection UI.
- Fixed a display error in marketplace prices.
- Fixed a bug where players could not create water or save again after loading from old save games.
- Fixed a bug where crop rotation screen display was broken for some optional actions (Cultivate, Plow).
- Placeholder infobox that sometimes appears with initial build menu open should disappear.

Sneak Peak Big Update 2
We are still working on a bigger update coming soon, introducing:
- Place buildings on the map to improve your fields (Various cost reduction, auto sell and more)
- New crops with new big harvester (Crops important for crop rotation)
- Reworked balancing to address current issues and integrate new features
Reveal of the last Sneak Peak:
Compost Facility

Boosts surrounding fields, improving their yield.
New Sneak Peak
Guess what this is for, combine harvester for scale comparsion. (Probably easier then the last one):