News Liste Global Farmer

Regular Update 0.9.9
Global Farmer
29.11.24 11:37 Community Announcements
While we are working on the next big update, we are in parallel improving the game, making it more accessible, playable and stable. Some of you played most of those changes already on the experimental branch and thanks to you we could fix some more problems and make this update available to everyone now.

0.9.9 Patch Notes

  • Crop requirements damage info now shows if temperature or sunshine duration is too high or too low, such distinctions were missing before, reworked tooltip in general.
  • Address Search: You can now search for streets addresses directly. Map starts centered based on that exact position. Switch between postal/city search and online street search from the globe.
  • Added globe tutorial (To introduce search features and guide players better)
  • Contracts Screen and HUD Updates: The HUD now displays your level with contractors and how many contracts are needed to reach the next tier. Each contract also shows its tier.
  • Easy planting now also shows unavailable vehicles
  • Unavailable vehicles are greyed out
  • Fixed ui scaling issues
  • Fixed bug where broken contracts made it into the list of accepted contracts
  • Workaround that fixes save games with broken contracts
  • More text inside the UI will adapt when changing the language.
  • Fixed a bug where clicking the timeline created an invisible planting.
  • Fixed various bugs in the equipment machine selection.
  • Further contracts balance tweaks.
  • Fixed several bugs that could lead to fields that are no longer plantable even after selling.
  • Fixed bugs where the state of fields was not properly reset when being transformed into pastures or when selling.
  • Fixed various localization issues and text issues where title and description were swapped.
  • Adds a storage type icon in the growing part of the crop selection UI.
  • Fixed a display error in marketplace prices.
  • Fixed a bug where players could not create water or save again after loading from old save games.
  • Fixed a bug where crop rotation screen display was broken for some optional actions (Cultivate, Plow).
  • Placeholder infobox that sometimes appears with initial build menu open should disappear.

Sneak Peak Big Update 2

We are still working on a bigger update coming soon, introducing:
- Place buildings on the map to improve your fields (Various cost reduction, auto sell and more)
- New crops with new big harvester (Crops important for crop rotation)
- Reworked balancing to address current issues and integrate new features

Reveal of the last Sneak Peak:

Compost Facility

Boosts surrounding fields, improving their yield.

New Sneak Peak

Guess what this is for, combine harvester for scale comparsion. (Probably easier then the last one):

Logo for Global Farmer
Release:07.10.2024 Genre: Aufbaustrategie Entwickler: Thera Bytes GmbH Vertrieb: Aerosoft Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
Einzelspieler Mehrspieler Koop

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