News Liste Exogate Initiative

Full release now available!
Exogate Initiative
28.01.25 14:00 Community Announcements
Greetings Gaters!

This is it, the full release version of the game is finally here!

The biggest update yet

For those who missed the preview here’s a short list of what you can expect:
  • 3 new factions which whom you can now fight, trade or form alliances
  • 4 new victory conditions
  • New difficulty settings
  • 5 new equipments
  • Lots of QOL improvements and balancing
  • Steam achievements

We were also able to add one more thing at the last minute, and it was the most requested feature by the players:
You’ll now have access to a new tech that allows more gaters to cross the gate at any time. Meaning you can form teams of 4 or 5 gaters!

The more the merrier

Please note that saves from the current public version (0.9.1) or earlier will not be compatible with the v1.0. You can switch to a “Beta branch” for the version you were using from Steam game settings if you want to continue your current save.

A look back at early access

Now if we look back at what we announced at the beginning of the early access, it took us a little bit longer than expected, but we managed to add everything we planned to in this full release version of Exogate Initiative!

Our initial roadmap (you can check the corresponding news here)

  • Mission events editor
  • Environmental mission events
  • More rooms, equipment and upgrades
  • Recruitable alien gaters
  • New invaders and improved defense gameplay
  • Alien factions and 4X gameplay
  • Diplomat gater class
  • Improved gaters, teams and missions management

We are extremely proud of what was accomplished by such a small team. It started as a solo project a long time ago, and in the end 24 talented people contributed one way or another to make this game, but on average only 2 were working on it full time!

We’d like to address a special thanks to the community that helped us shape the game all along the early access, your feedback was always precious and led to some major changes that ultimately made the game far better.

New supporter pack

If you think we did a good job, and want to show your support, there is now a Supporter Pack DLC available, it will grant you some special visual skins for the gate room and the builder bots.

Who does not want fancy banners in the gate room?

But one of the best ways to help us right now is to share the word if you enjoyed the game, and leave a review!

We will obviously continue to support and address any issue that we may have missed, so do not hesitate to give us feedback.

We truly hope that you will have a blast with the game!

Creative Director, Xeno Bits

Changelog 1.0.0

[CF] = From community feedback


New game settings:

  • Toggle and setup the different victory conditions
  • Define the number of factions present on the map
  • Setup the game difficulty between 3 levels: Peaceful, Challenging, Extreme

New factions:

Three new factions to compete with
  • Borderless Conscience: Charity of a tortoise-like race, expanding their territory in the guise of offering aid
  • Felis Reapers: Predatory, cat-like religious zealots, who expand to eliminate the competition
  • Zodiac Cohort: The commercial military-industrial complex of a worm-like race, who sells products to an ever-expanding market to make big profits

Trading: you can trade materials and influence with other factions


  • Non aggression treaties: Sign a treaty to prevent any hostile action with another faction for a fixed period of time
  • Alliance: Form an alliance with one or more faction to prevent hostile action, share your enemies, improve trading conditions

Diplomatic gift:

Retrieve a special artifact from each faction during diplomatic missions on their homeworld, each with bonuses randomly generated at game start.

New campaign objectives to explore factions’ territory and meet factions’ leader

You can now build and upgrade stronghold outposts on claimed worlds to provide automated defenses.

[CF] You can now unlock new techs that will allow more gaters to cross the exogate at the same time, up to 5 by missions!

New victory conditions:

  • Knowledge victory: Win by being the first faction to study the target number of native alien cultures
  • Scientific victory: Win by being the first faction to research and build an ultimate generator, unlocking unlimited power!
  • Material victory: Win by being the first faction to collect and store the target quantity of the target material
  • Influence victory: Win by being the first faction to generate the target amount of influence per day

New panel to track victory conditions progress

[CF] Starmap filters: filters starmap by exploration status or destination rewards

[CF] You can now choose to let the team handle sector defense and invasion by themselves.

New tech - Micro gates:

Miniaturized exogate technology, which unlocks advanced applications
New equipment: Ultimate generator : Provides infinite energy to power room objects and connect more destinations to the star map, by opening a wormhole inside a distant star
New equipment: Auto miner : Retrieves raw ore from an assigned mining destination, via a micro-exogate (requires an engineer to operate, and prevents mining missions being sent to that destination)

[CF] New indicator in gaters list to know if a gater is ready to go on mission or not

[CF] New panel to view gater and team mission status when you click on a team event in the top left list.

[CF] Behavior modes:

You can now force gaters to specific behaviors if needed:
  • Well-being: Gaters will focus on improving their well-being by resting, having fun or socializing with others, ignoring work or training activities
  • Working: Gaters will focus on their work, ignoring training and recreational activities
  • Training: Gaters will focus on their training, ignoring work and recreational activities

[CF] New tutorials:

  • Training
  • Loneliness
  • Affinities between gaters
  • Period budget summary
  • Leveling
  • Base defenses
  • Faction leader contact

Achievements: 44 Steam achievements to unlock

[CF] You can now rename planets

[CF] You can search planets on starmap

[CF] Room efficiency:

Rooms not surrounded by walls or doors will be less efficient and gaters fatigue will increase faster while they are in those rooms.

New unlockable med bay upgrades:

  • Faster ambulance bots
  • Physical and psychological treatment improvements
  • Improved ICU
  • Faster diagnostic pods

New training upgrades:

Each training equipment can be upgraded 2 times to greatly improve the experience earned

Gaters class specific tasks management:
You can finetune a gater job by toggling some class related tasks in their details panel.

[CF] Doors will now auto rotate on placement

[CF] New 2 and 4 people tables in mess hall
[CF] New advanced food distributor that improve mental health

[CF] You can now see the queue of tech to be researched in tech tree

New visual variations for bookshelves


Increased Xp gained by training equipments
Increased mental health healed by recreation equipments
New notifications for factions related events
New notification when diplomatic level with a faction change
[CF] Invaders and factions are now part of the standard settings when starting a new free play game
[CF] Improve player comprehension when artifact destination can't be explored by a specific team.
Max influence was reduced from 5000 to 1000
Social attribute impact mental health gained during social interactions.
Gaters body and mind strength attributes will make gaters sleep less often.
[CF] Improved messages when a gater is not able to drop something.
[CF] Room equipment selection panel was reworked to be more readable, include sell option and the room efficiency level.
[CF] Refund ratio is now displayed on tooltips when selling something
[CF] Improved gaters attributes descriptions
[CF] New notification when an assignment was completed (e.g. science runs out on a planet)
[CF] Improved faction leader contact button visibility on factions list screen
[CF] Canopy bed access was changed on set on the same size, moreover it increase mental health, price was increased
[CF] Nap pod impact on mental health was removed, price was increased
You must now confirm when declaring war to a faction
New notification when full artifact bonus is unlocked
[CF] Improved gater equipment tooltips to help understand their usage.
New logs when gaters meet or their affinity level change
[CF] The medic treating a gater in med bed is now displayed on the gater status.
Faction badge and color will not be visible on starmap until faction is met
[CF] Improved messages displayed when a gater is not able to go on mission to help player understand the reason
[CF] Added steps to reach next influence point generated by territory size
Trending and flopping patent topics have bigger impact (+ and -50% revenues instead of 30%)
Improved initial bedrock placement
Reworked campaign objectives order
Increased diplomats salary
Chance for gater to have bad relationships were increased
Clicking on button to view a gater will now close the gater list
Liberation missions balancing.
Reworked room equipment assignment picker to allow to pick gaters already assigned to a similar room equipment
You can now click on dropped item on the floor to see what they are
Improve aliens AI during invasion and defense team fights, they may now decide not to target a shielded gater.
Soldiers will now display their needs when they have no weapon available during invasion.
There will be no notification for new patent theory if you already have many theories available.
Increased initial money from 200 000 to 500 000
Campaign rewards were reduced
Slightly increased patents revenues
Slightly increase asteril price


Need status were not properly displayed on load
[CF] Capped the maximum amount of money that can be owned to avoid a bug
[CF] Power label was white instead of gray when power was back on
[CF] During mission dialogs, gater's mind and body stat number were flipped
Female soldiers in light armor were not properly placed during missions dialogs
[CF] Missions stats are now properly updated on starmap when modifying a team.
[CF] It was possible to create a culture study mission without the tech unlocked.
Fixed a bug where collecting alien corpse objective was not always validated in time
[CF] Fixed an issue where gaters would sometimes stop to do anything because they were unable to collect an item somewhere.
[CF] Fixed issues with multi ambulance bots and cremation units behaviors.
[CF] Fixed issue where it would no longer be possible to place room equipment after being interrupted by a team.
[CF] Fixed a bug where gater would be in the wrong animation on game load.
The button to display gater with needs on the top of the screen was not properly setup by default.
Player were not always notified when there was no available storage for materials.
[CF] Nuclids will now interrupt their tasks when they need to regenerate
[CF] Bliques can now properly be healed during events on mission
[CF] Fixed issues where teams were locked offworld after a sector was invaded
Logo for Exogate Initiative
Release:18.04.2023 Genre: Simulation Entwickler: Xeno Bits Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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