In this new patch we have added a new playable map, the cursed fishing village Innsmouth!
With this third map we would like to mark the full release of the game, as it is the last large piece of content we had originally planned for eresys, however this doesn't mean the end! (More info below)
-Added new map "Innsmouth" the cursed fishing village
The players are tasked with lifting a strange curse that plagues village, a curse so strong, it breaks any light the cultists would use to defend themselves!
Initially devoid of otherworldly beings, the village remains unsafe as a horde of sea creatures will emerge from the depths to stop you from completing your task.
Since direct confrontation with the creatures is not an option, you must proceed cautiously, moving diligently and seeking hiding spots when necessary.
We intend for innsmouth to be a more slow paced experience, a break from the intensity of the Abyssal temple, however we will keep an eye out for player feedback and make changes accordingly!
-Added a few minor NPCs to the streets of Innsmouth
-Added a new type of creature ¨The fishmen of the depths¨
They act like a horde, frequently rising from the deepest parts of the ocean to devour anyone that they deem unfit for Innsmouth
-Added notes with story and lore about a character some of you might be familiar with
-Added a new unlockable mask, the aspect of the depths
To obtain this aspect, players must complete a mission on the Innsmouth map on either difficulty
-Added 3 new achievements that can be obtained by completing Innsmouth related content
-Slightly tweaked book glows when a page is close
-Optimization fix to the texture materials of the corpses
-Fixed a texture bug with the blood spheres atop ancient ritual site on the island
-Slightly increased the timer for the event at the end of the abyssal temple
-At the end event of the abyssal temple (Without spoiling too much) added a text pop up when you pick up the artifact
-Slightly reduced damage dealt by the shadow creatures and the abyssal one
-Slight tweaks some of the lightning VFX and SFX near the old ones summoning area
-Cultists now play a grunt sound effect when they are hit
-Added new sections in the cult guide about Innsmouth
-Attraction can now only be triggered on sentinel island (eye UI element is still present, to serve as a visual representation of how enemies perceive you)
How your movement affects enemy perception remains unchanged, its just that in the new maps you can now jump around and move as fast as you want without being punished
This update is now live, if for whatever reason the update doesn't show up, restart steam.
And remember, for co-op sessions, all players must have the same game version! With this new patch, game version will be Eresys 0.8 Innsmouth
For a little over half a year of early access our primary focus was enhancing the game and implementing new content and maps, this patch marks our transition from early access to a full release.
Main reason being that Innsmouth is the last main piece of content we had planned for Eresys.
However, a full release does not signify the end of our support for Eresys, nor that we will never create new content in the future.
During the next couple of months, besides making small patches with fixes or minor tweaks for Eresys, we will shift our focus on our next project Necrophosis, and we aim to have a playable demo ready in a few months!
We have been developing Necrophosis in the background, it is now beyond the concept stage, our vision and the world is slowly starting to take shape, we cant wait to show you once its ready!