The gates of the Primordial chamber finally open!
In addition to that, this patch also includes a respawn mechanic for solo players, proper death animations, a new mask and more bug fixes.
The primordial chamber is located near the church with a light beam illuminating the gate, inside you will find:
-Claustrophobic corridors to explore
-A dangerous creature that roams the area
-Minor creatures stuck to the walls
-New Side Mission
-Completing the side mission will always create 1 blood sphere (so you can always choose to do this mission and use 3 blood altars instead of 4!)
-Additionally, completing the side mission for the first time will award you with an achievement and unlock a new cultist aspect (mask) for all players
-Added a new mask ¨Aspect of the primordial one¨ it can be obtained by completing the new side mission
-The mask has 4 different base colors and 4 different eye colors
-Added save files for customization, so your customization choices are now saved when you close the game
-When you die a jumpscare will play showcasing the creature that killed you
-Each cutscene has unique creature animations
-Added new item ¨head of wax¨ (appears only when playing solo offline/online)
This item is rare and difficult to come across, but it's incredibly useful. Once found, it can be placed on a wax figure. Should you meet an unfortunate demise, you will be resurrected directly at the statue, retaining all of your important items.
Previously, we introduced features like the red beam and nametags to help players in co-op. However, these changes do not provide assistance to solo players. In response, we added this item with the hope of encouraging more solo play!
-Added ability to carry ¨important¨ class items in your left hand (at the moment only the new side mission requires you to carry specific ¨items¨)
-If you are carrying a dead player's head, do not worry you can still carry important items, the item will change its location/scale to fit next to the head! (This has been done to prevent a player death from stopping your side mission progress)
-On death you also drop important items, so mission progress isn't locked
-Tweaked victim corpse values, so there's a higher % chance of getting more blood fills
-Slightly increased intensity of the hit effect when you get damaged while holding the lantern
-Slightly reduced some of the AI investigation timers
-Small adjustments to Voidwalker collision
-More tree collisions replaced or adjusted
-Tweaked collision of some shrubs and other small foliage that would block AI collision
-Tweaks to the map equip to hopefully fix a bug where it wasn't visible for all players (we couldn't reproduce the bug, so we will keep an eye out if the problem persists)
-When a player quits/disconnects now he drops the map, so the map is not lost anymore
-When a player quits/disconnects now he also drops any important item, so no side quest is locked
-More fixes to customization, when unlocking a mask your appearance will change accordingly to fit the mask (cloth hood on/off)
-Fixed a bug where some rocks would play wood SFXs instead of stone SFXs when stepping on them
-Fixed a terrain texture problem around the windmill area
-Fixed another possible bug where AI wouldn't leave you alone while in a safezone
-Fixed tome demon not doing the damage amount he was supposed to do
-Fixed a bug where some interaction text would flash on screen
-Fixed more collision and visual issues reported by the community!
-Fixed some words in the Chinese translations, thanks to the community for pointing out the issues and providing fixes!
This update is now live, if for whatever reason the update doesn't show up, restart steam.
And remember, for co-op sessions, all players must have the same game version! With this new patch, game version will be 0.6 PRIMORDIAL CHAMBER