In this patch we finally release the second cultist mission, The abyssal temple!
The Abyssal Temple, the second map, offers a more linear and shorter gaming experience.
A complete playthrough on Sentinel Island typically lasts around an hour, or longer for those new to the game.
In contrast, a session in the Abyssal Temple should take about 15 to 25 minutes.
The Abyssal one, is the main antagonist of the temple, it will constantly try to stop you from achieving your goal, becoming stronger and faster as you progress
-Added a new guide NPC in the coucil temple, interacting with this new NPC will start an Abyssal temple mission
-Main Objective tracker-
-Added a new UI element that helps players understand the main objective aswell as track their progress (side missions are not displayed on the objective tracker)
The new objective tracker is not exclusive to the new temple map, it also tracks the main objective on Sentinel Island
After the objective updates the text fades away, but players can always bring it back up by press the "TAB" key (default key, it can also be rebound)
-Added the option "Hide objective tracker" in the gameplay settings menu, for players that want to disable this UI element
-Added a new interactable item in the game, a chest that can grant you resources
The chests are available on both maps, Sentinel island and Abyssal temple
-Added new collectables exclusive to the Abyssal temple, aswell as a new shrine, in the lobby library, where you can view the collectables obtained
-Added 4 new achievements that can be unlocked by playing and completing the abyssal temple content
-Important items necessary for progression (to open a door or for a side objective) now have a black highlight of the shape
-Changed input settings menu layout to make it easier to read and use
-Changed and tweaked cult guide layout and added new entries with details about the abyssal temple
-Fixed some text of the cult guide to explain that monsters appear as you obtain book pages instead of blood spheres
-Temporarily added an ¨Unstuck Player¨ button in the top left of the in-game menu, pressing that button will teleport you to a random area nearby
(While we improved collision and fixed many reported issues, we still wanted to add this to prevent players having to restart a game after getting stuck inside broken collision, this feature will be removed once the game is fully released)
-Fixed a bug in the photo mode, where the player fulll character would appear instead of the head if they were dead
-Fixed a bug regarding the cursed tomes, the creature wouldnt spawn if the player was standing on the book
-Fixed a posible bug where you could pick up more than one wax head at the same time and they would overlap and mess up left hand animations
-Fixed a posible bug where the announcement wouldnt trigger to notify players they unlocked the grand cultist aspect
-Fixed a few floating foliage assets and some terrain texture errors reported by the comunity (island map)
-Fixed a texture issue regarding the creatures stuck to the walls beneath the primordial pit (island map)
This update is now live, if for whatever reason the update doesn't show up, restart steam.
And remember, for co-op sessions, all players must have the same game version! With this new patch, game version will be Eresys 0.7 Abyssal temple
Expect a few quick patches in the upcoming weeks where we fix any bugs reported and some tweaks and balancing of the abyssal temple, after that we will begin full focus on the next map, Inssmouth
We already started working on it, so here is an early preview!